Shopping like a boss

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Alex's pov.

I got my black purse and looked at myself one more time in the mirror. I'm wearing Black short shorts  with a cool blue tank top and my blue supras.

I went outside my room and I went to look for Stephanie. I walked down the hall and got into her room without knocking.

she was putting her shoes on and she looked at me when I went in. This bitch takes for fucking ever.

Steph: hey what happened are you ready?

Alex: yeah I am let's go hurry up.

Steph: Ok. Hold up.

We waited for a little and stood there in silence.

Steph: Zayn and Justin will come pick us up.

Alex: Oh OK but still hurry. 

Steph: Alright.

I sat down in her bed and she finally finished putting on her shoes. The doorbell rang and we went downstairs. we open the door and it was Zayn and Justin.

Justin: are you girls ready?

Steph: yeah let's go.

I put my phone in my pocket and we went to Zayn's and Justin's cars. we got in and we drove away.

when we go to the mall I was the first want to get out and everyone followed behind me. I went straight to the shoe store and I started looking at shoes.

Stephanie bought some cool shoes and so did I but the guys didn't.

we bought clothes and many other things and then we got tired. I didn't. I could shop for like two days straight. we went to sit down and have bench and we bought ice cream.

Justin: so what are you girls doing tomorrow?

Alex: we have school tomorrow.

Steph: yea ughhhhh.

Zayn: Alex must really hate school

Alex: actually I don't I like learning and I like seeing my friends.

Steph: yeah she likes school but we're doing her a graduation party and it's going to be really cool. Mom is letting us organize it so it's going to be bomb because when she organizes it, it's fancy and everything.

Alex: yeah I'm a try to invite famous people that I know like Tyga and Selena Gomez and other people. it's going to be the best party ever.

Zayn: that's so cool we can help you guys if you want.

Justin: yeah that can be fun.

Alex: you have no idea but we still have time. we have two weeks left.

Steph: yeah. hey guys, I'm tired can we go home?

Justin: I was just going to ask that, let's go!

We got our bags and we went to the parking lot and drove home. when we got home we started watching movies and we had a lot of fun.

too bad we have school tomorrow....

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