0: Decision

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In those days, I rarely see people visit my last homely home. I sometimes forgot what a smile looks like nor how the sun shines my deserted garden. Why will I get out of this last piece of my comfort; just to see those things? It maybe a cowardly task to invite someone to visit me and have a late night vodka and talk all these pitiful things in my very home. My sisters even left me....Even that Anastasia*.....She is an over-reacting person.... She is annoyed to the fact that her brother is a...monster. But I cannot blame her for that.

No one bothers to even take a peek to my home. It's not that I really want to occur actually. The home I am still talking about is a deserted and abandoned house owned by none other than me. It once have a nagging rude woman (who is always wearing revealing clothes and always smirking at us) and an annoying girl (who always says positive words and wearing pink dresses). The reason why they leave me..... No, not a good damn time to talk about it.

Maybe they are right....Maybe I am a reject and a mistake to live in this world....Who would not be feared by a tall murderous man?

No...I may be wrong.....Maybe I am not that person above.... Maybe I just needed my sanity to be a normal human.... At least.

It is my decision to get out of this hell at once. As I get my last batch of vodka and my trusty pistol..... I went out and almost get burned by the faint sunshine on my face.

I think the sun is being rude for blinding my eyes which it is used in darkness. The snow is still there; just like last time that I went out from this house to take a walk.

Strangely, the sun made me relax and timid. That I want to lie on the snow and take a nap on which I can't do it again sadly. With haste, I ran to a nearest wall which I used to hide from the faint sunlight. Usually, people will only think of me being a paranoid but... It's been years that I seen it that I think the sun is a mortal enemy.

What now? I already get out of my house and get all the things that I have....

Before anything else happens, I heard noises not faraway. It's been ages that I heard those.

"Привет** ____! I think we should check this haunted house!"

"Umm...How about no"

The two voices continued talking until they all agree to take a look which make me sorry for them.... After all the first thing that I want to do after I stepped outside is to play some naughty children

*2p! Belarus


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