16 - A night to remember

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As the movie was going, I couldn't help but get affected by how sad this movie was.

It was about a girl who was very rich. She only wanted her treasure and to keep making money, so she could make sure she never went needing any money for anything. Her father and older brother worked a lot too. On the other side there was a poor boy, that watched her from afar. Right now, her brother was beating the boy up, because he found out that he liked her and saw him trying to talk to her. After the girl friendly approached him and left, her brother walked over to him with his friends.

The girls brother was beating him with his friends.

"Don't ever talk to my sister again you dirty peasant!" The brother yelled.

I was really hoping it would end good.

The boy may be poor, but he has a good heart and is good-looking.

I sighed as I saw him fall on the dirty ground.

I guess I was getting too much into the movie, because I suddenly felt Baekhyun laying his hand on mine.

"Calm down," he whispered.

I nodded. I could hear some sniffles from some of the guys, but besides that, it was quiet.

Later in the movie, the girl fell for the boy. They met secretly late at night every weekend. My eyes began to get teary as the girl's father found out about the guy. He wanted to completely make him disappear. The girl's brother looked like someone who was ready to kill the boy right away. The girl begged her father a lot. She was crying and crying. Her father didn't want to listen though.

I felt a tear slowly rolling down my face. I was hoping they'd end up together. That they'd end up living together in happiness.

Baekhyun laid his arm around me, which I gladly accepted.

After the movie, it was pretty quiet.

The movie ended with the boy and the girl running away from their homes.

I was happy, until in the very end the boy ended up getting killed. And the girl ended up being pregnant with her only child. Then it ended.

"We should have watched something funny ... Not sad," Lay said with a sad voice.

"But it was a good movie, though," Chanyeol sighed.

"I also think it was good, it just ended sad," Suho said.

"I want my mom!" Tao whined. "Oh wait, I don't freaking have one!"

"Guys, it was just a movie," Kris said.

I still couldn't get the thought off my head though.

"Let's play 'Truth or dare'!" Chen said excitedly.

"Yes!" Kai said satisfied.

We all took some sleeping bags and laid in a big circle in the living room.

"Okay, who will start?" Sehun asked.

"Let me start!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

"The rules first," Suho said.

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