Commando App

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A/N: I'm going to start adding subplots with Viola to make it more interesting and get her more involved. That way she isn't just observing anything and has actually relationships with the characters. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 3

Finally the weekend ends after numerous hours of cheer practice. Usually I love the weekend, who wouldn't? But on this Monday I'll be seeing some friendly faces. Maybe finally get the answers I've been waiting for.

I walk in dressed comfortably but elegant. Basically jeans, a nice shirt, and flats. I,unfortunately, have a reputation to keep up. I don't mind dressing up in skirts or dresses but I wish I could do it for me and not other people.

For breakfast I sit at what is known as the "cool" table. Eventually I see Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo walk in. I can't make out what they're saying but I manage to catch Adam's eye. I wave him over to say hi.

He walks over and sits next to me where Max usually sits. I don't mind and neither do any of the other cheerleaders, they probably think he's cute.

"Ooh, oranges!" He exclaims grabbing them and placing them over his eyes, "Look! I'm a fruit fly. Get it?"

I can't help but giggle. The others are too except some add twirls of their hair. Yeah, they definitely think he's cute.

"I wonder which came first. Is an orange called orange because it's orange or is orange called orange because of the orange." He asks confused. "Did that make sense?"

"Actually yeah but I wonder that too now. I think it's because the orange is orange therefore they named orange after it." I ask and surprisingly he gets what I'm saying. I barely understood what I meant.

"I agree. And guess what. When the football team comes you'll get free a free pudding cup." A girl named Tia says smiling at Adam. I know what she means but I don't think Adam does. That's when Chase walked over.

"Hey, how's it going?" I ask as he sits on my other side, Trent's seat and not good place to be. He doesn't get as warm a welcome as Adam. He's already dubbed the nerd but I don't care. He's nice.

Soon Bree and Leo saunter over as well. "Hey guys look these girls just told me when the football players get here I'm getting a free pudding cup." Adam says happily. I got to give this guy credit, his optimism is infectious.

"Hi!" Leo days before leaning over to Chase and whispering through his fake smile, "Walk away." He addresses us again, "How's it going?" He leans over to Chase again and says, "You're in great danger."

Then, as if right on cue, the football players walk in whooping and hollering.

Trent walks up to Leo and gives him a big sniff causing Leo to apologize and scram.

"Hey," Trent says looming over Chase, "that's my seat. Now get lost before I use you like a napkin." He says and his gang laughs as if that was the funniest joke any of them had ever heard. Me? I'm just scared at what Trent will do to Chase.

Against my better judgement, I stand up for him, "Leave him alone, Trent."

Max stands behind me and shoves me back into my seat. "Know your place." He whispers sending chills up my spine.

"Leave her alone." Chase says noticing my distress.

Trent ignores him and purposely spills a drink all over the table. "Oh look a spill!" He grabs Chase by the collar, "I think I'm gonna wipe it up with your face."

The next moment passes so fast I can barely keep up. Chase flips Trent face down on the table. I'm surprised, I've been so worried about what Trent will do to Chase that I never stopped and thought that Chase can take care of himself.

A Lab Rat and A Cheerleader: An Epic Bionic Love AffairWhere stories live. Discover now