Dude, Where's My Lab?

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A/N: Since one song used below was featured in a different chapter the link is there if you don't remember it feel free to go back. Above is one of the others that I address the lyrics. But a quick search on YouTube will show you the songs I only mentioned. Enjoy this took multiple rewrites.

Chapter 12

I wake up from a blinding light piercing the veil of my curtains. I shut my eyes fighting to find sleep once more. When this proves unfruitful I decide to get up.

I go to the kitchen and think of how perfect a day this would be to hang out with my best friends. My parents won't be home for hours, there's no cheerleading practice, and the weather outside is glorious. It's hot but not humid. It's sunny but there are some clouds to help protect human skin from some harmful UV rays. It's a perfect beach day. Unfortunately, my best friends are stuck in their lab doing bionic maintenance.

Instead of swimming in the cool refreshing ocean, I decide to catch up on my reading. With school, cheerleading, and keeping my relationship with Chase a secret, I barely have time to anymore. I pick up The Maze Runner something I bought awhile back but never got the chance to pick up. I make myself some blueberry tea and sit by an open window and begin to read.

I barely get past the first line when my phone rings. I reach for it and notice the caller ID says its Chase. I quickly answer hoping there's been a chance in plans.

"Hey, Vi, you'll never guess what happened!" Chase says excitedly.

"Please say beach day." I whisper forgetting my boyfriend has bionic hearing.

"Yep! Tasha insists on a tech free weekend so that's where we will spend the day." Chase says. I love when he gets excited it's adorable. I just wish I could see his face.

Then I'm plagued with a moment of doubt and voice my concerns to Chase, "Is everyone okay with me coming, I mean, I don't wanna intrude on any family function."

Chase scoffs, "No, it's fine. Actually Tasha and Mr. Davenport suggested it."

"Really? Okay, I'm in."

"Meet me on the pier at 1:00?"

"I'll be there."


"Bye." I hang up and sigh happily. I check the time and notice it's only 10:00. So I decide to finish the first chapter before heading out.

Around 11:30, I hurry to catch the bus. Once on it, I realize I forgot my book. So instead I plug my earphones in and get lost in the music.

While listening to my Oliver radio on Pandora, an unfamiliar song pops up. I look at my screen to find out its "People Will Say We're in Love" from Oklahoma. Since it's a pleasurable tune I don't skip it.

I pay attention to the lyrics and notice that I can relate to them. Why does this always happen?

A wonderfully pleasant soprano voice sings, "Why do they think up stories that link my name with yours?"

Next is a strong baritone, "Why do the neighbors chatter all day, behind their doors?"

The woman continues, "I know a way to prove what they say is quite untrue. Here is the gist, a practical list of "don'ts" for you. Don't throw bouquets at me. Don't please my folks too much. Don't laugh at my jokes too much. People will say we're in love!" Chase and I hide our relationship from others because we don't want to be judged. But if I truly care about him then why should that matter?

The woman sings on, "Don't sigh and gaze at me. Your sighs are so like mine. Your eyes mustn't glow like mine. People will say we're in love!" I try to remember why we decided to keep this relationship a secret in the first place. Wasn't it because we didn't want to screw it up?

A Lab Rat and A Cheerleader: An Epic Bionic Love AffairWhere stories live. Discover now