Rats On A Train

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A/N: So this chapter is going to head in all kinds of directions to fit my subplot for the episode but it all ties together. The song is from a favorite musical of mine called Oliver of course. I put a link to a version of it above in case you don't know it. Let me know what you think of my subplots and my original character. Enjoy!

Chapter 5

I haven't left my bed since I came home from the dance yesterday. I know I never truly cared about him but the whole ordeal still hurt. I wish he at least cared enough not to cheat on me so publicly. The taunts from the people watching we're the worst of it. I never felt so humiliated in my entire life.

It felt like they pulled away my mask to reveal who I really was. That I'm not the happy go-lucky cheerleader I've made myself to be. Surprisingly my parents weren't disappointed that this happened. That I'm straying even further from the path they want me to follow. They say that there are plenty of other football players to choose from. But I don't want a football player.

Now that I don't feel guilty about exploring certain feelings, I can say with certainty that I think I like Chase. He has shown me nothing but kindness (the Spike situation does not count because it wasn't technically Chase). I don't want to imagine what my parents would say to me dating him but I can't help but fancy the idea.

While downing my favorite snack, kettle corn, to make myself feel better, I get a call from Bree.

"Hey, how're you holding up?" She asks. I'm not surprised or angry that Chase told her. I would've told her myself but I didn't want to ruin her chance with Ethan.

"I'm okay. The real question is are you and Ethan an item?" I ask wanting to avoid talking about the incident.

"I can confidently say the answer is yes!" She squeals so loudly I have to lift the phone away from my ear.

"Great. I'm so happy for you."

"Okay now that I've said my part. I've decided to come over but I don't know where you live."

"Why do you wanna know?" 

"Because you are going through a break up. You probably haven't showered, eating nothing but junk, are in need of a friend, and a romantic comedy." Bree says and I hate that she's right.

"Fine." I tell her my address. Luckily my parents won't be home for hours.

"Be there in five."

I think she means five minutes because she doesn't actually live that far from me. But apparently she meant five seconds.

I'll never get used to super speed.

"Come on. You stink. You need a shower."

"Gee thanks." I say sarcastically

She practical drags me to the shower and leaves the bathroom threatening to lock me in there if I wasn't clean in a half hour. I comply and wash my body and hair already feeling better. Not only because I'm cleaner but because of Bree and how much she actually cares for me.

Bree shouts through the door, "I've left a cute outfit for you to change into so you'll feel as great as you should. I promise I won't look."

I open the door and she isn't there. I quickly grab the clothes and change. When I enter my bedroom, Bree sits me at my vanity and fixes my hair and makeup. I feel terrific now. It's always a pleasurable feeling when someone plays with my hair.

"Now we are gonna get real food. My treat." She says.

Not even waiting for an answer, she grabs hold of me and super speeds to the alley by this grand sandwich place I really love.

A Lab Rat and A Cheerleader: An Epic Bionic Love AffairWhere stories live. Discover now