Stuff No. 42

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Leo was originally only going to the drums for Euphemia but he ended up staying with the band.


Hello readers! I am back! I just took a short break to focus on karate, guitar, and singing because Potato and I are going to sing infront of like, smething around 400 people? I have no idea how many but it is a lot. Anyway, today school finished at 12:15, so around midday, and Potato decided that we would have a vegetable 'feast' where we brang money and we put it together and when school finished, we all went to the shops and went psycho, yeah, too much food I feel sick :p Sadly, Popkin couldn't join us so we adopted Friday to come with us. Don't worry Popkin, hopefully next term we can have another feast. Also, Jumper Ch 2 is out!  @Zoethian4Ever , your character has been introduced and those two of you who commented ones for Through The Music, sorry for the delay but BLDY POTATO WON'T GIVE ME THE INFORMATION ABOUT HER PERSONA IN THE BOOK SO ARG! Hope you readers are having a great day/ night.

Message Of The Day:

What is your favorite season? (Ie: Summer, Winter, Spring, Autumn/Fall)

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