Stuff No. 45

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The only reason that Strippin is in System;Start is because Sparkles* didn't want him to feel left out.


I AM BACK PEOPLE! So a lot of things have been going on in my life so I havn't been able to update as regular as I would like to because I have a karate test thing on this week so I need to practise for that, I have High Jump, Relays and Triple Jump to train for as well, this weekend I went on a surprise vacation to noosa which was okay but its nice to be in my own room again, also I have had to organise a vege outing which Popkin said she probably wouldn't be able to come (which we are going to the cinema tommorrow), we have a science assignment that we have to work on which part1 of it is due this week and also we are in the stage of choosing what two electives we want to do next year. I am doing music and Sports Science (or maybe visual arts or media arts or buisiness). Last two things going on are: 2 Emotions are going to perform pretty soon so I have been pestering Potato that we practise for that and lastly... Drum Lessons. I got recommended by my music teacher to play drums so i'm taking drum lessons now. Yay! Oh and for through the music, I put up the first chapter but Wattpad being a butt again bldy deleted it and the description so I replaced it with the coming soon thing so we can re-write it on pages so if it does dissapear again, we will have a back-up copy. Hope yall are having a good day. Oh and... The Cat Whiskers Come From Within. Thank you Friday for getting me into Dan and Phil.

Question Of The Day:

What is the last song you listened to?

MIne is The IT Crowed by Superpowerless, awesome song, gotta love Sparkles* chorus.

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