Tao (ice cream and cooties)

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-10 years ago-


Ice cream!

I licked my strawberry ice cream as I skipped my way along the park.

I sat down on a swing.

I grunted when my feet couldn't touch the ground.

I pouted and sadly licked my ice cream.

"Jenny! Do you want me to push you!?" Asked someone.

I turned and say Tao walking towards me.

"No!" I cried.

Tao looked sad.

"Why not?" He asked, giving me a cute pout.

"Because boys have cooties!" I yelled, and licked my ice cream again.

Tao smiled and licked my ice cream.

"Hey!" I cried.

"Now you can't have your ice cream, cause I have cooties." sang Tao.

I poured and licked my ice cream.

"Now you have cooties too!" Cried Tao.

We both laughed and played until the sun went down.

-present day-

I smiled at my strawberry ice cream as I remembered the fun I had with Tao.

I sat down on the same exact swing I did ten years ago.

The swing was a old now so it creaked a little.

Someone gently pushed me.

"Still think I have cooties?" A voice asked behind me.

I smiled.

"Yes." I laughed.

Tao came in front of me and licked my ice cream.

"Now you can't have your ice cream." Tao said.

I jumped out of the swing and wrapped my arms around Tao's neck and kissed him.

"Now you have cooties.." he said.

"I don't care if you have cooties or a Ebola, I'd still love you the same." I whispered.

Tao smiled and kissed me again.

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