Chen (I need you)

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I was singing DOPE by BTS in the shower. Like Jungkook? Have you seen his abs? After my shower, I rushed off to my bedroom.

I was drying my hair when I noticed my boyfriend, Chen- yes, the Chen from Exo- pouting. I grinned at his cuteness.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked as I sat down next to him.

"You don't love me." He sulked.

"What makes you say that?"

"Cause you were singing to BTS. And not me." He said as he crossed his arms. I burst out laughing, I was laughing so hard that my stomach hurt.

"You silly troll. All because I sing to other bands doesn't mean I don't love you. You sing Gee all the time- and you don't see me getting jealous." I said. He sulked more then gave me a mischievous grin.

"Prove it." He said.

"Prove what?"

"How much you love me." Chen said in a 'duh-isn't-it-obvious' look. I rolled my eyes and sighed at Chen's cuteness. Then, I leaned over and kissed Chen on the lips.

"I love you." I said. He leaned close to my ear.

"I NEED YOU GIRL." He sang (or should I say, yelled) at the top of his lungs into my eardrum- probably breaking it, making me jump and fall to floor. He kept on singing the BTS song as I got back up.

"You're DEAD!" I yelled, as I chased Chen around our house.

Exo Imagines (Book 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora