Chapter 4

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My arms were being clawed. And it hurt like Hades.

"Dude! Person! Hurry up and help! What the Hades are you staring at!?" I yelled.

I saw Rayne in the corner of my eyes glaring at the pile of whatever they ares. I smiled.

The boy stepped forward and slashed his sword effortlessly through the pile of monsters. They disintegrated into dust, but more jumped out from the miasma. They were filling up the room. Where they came from, don't ask me. But it looked like the boy couldn't take it anymore. I looked up as all of the monsters bared their fangs and stuck them into me. Pain shot up me, and I but my lip to keep myself from screaming. The boy tried to get rid of them with his sword, but it wasn't working. More shriveled up vampires bit into me. The boy - what is his name!? - dropped his sword, and held his hand quickly out to me. "Jae!" I heard. How did he know my name? "Jae! Grab onto my hand!"

I reached out my hand, and just before our hands touched, I felt the pain deepen in my thigh, and it felt like a small piece of my leg was bit off. I yelled, trying extremely hard not to scream, and withdrew my hand. Warm blood ran down my leg, and tears were making way out of my eyes. The boy cursed and put his arms under me, pulling me out. The little vampire things held on, and I yelped in pain as one dragged its fangs down my arm.

Rayne ran over, trying to help, and when she touched me, a shiver ran up my spine, and I felt a burst of adrenaline. I pulled my hands away from the two people in front of me, and another feeling in my gut made me double over, but any monster touching me suddenly disintegrated. I slumped down, suddenly tired.

Rayne ran up to me. "Are you okay?" She worried. I winced in pain, trying to nod. There were deep drag marks down my arms, and when I say deep, I mean very deep. Like, you could almost see hints of white.

The boy kneeled down next to me, where I was lying. I looked over at Rayne, not wanting to look into his mesmerizing brown eyes again.

"Such a nice birthday gift, huh?" I asked Rayne, smiling. Rayne looked at me with a face saying, That's not funny. My smile faded. The school alarm suddenly started to blare, and I winced at its loudness.

"Let's get outta here." The boy picked me up bridal style, and carried me out of the school, with Rayne following.

452 Words

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