Chapter Three: I'll Do It

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Please read author's note at the end <3

The thrilling uncertainty brewed around in the pit of my stomach as I slammed my car door and started into the lab. I was greeted by Jake and his team closely huddled around the GST tracker scrutizing its data. 

"Jake" I called. 

He whipped around to greet me. "Oh, good-you're here! Come take a look and tell me your thoughts."

I moved closer and peered over the screen, noticing the prominent green mass which would be the hatching site on the beach and an unidenifiable grey line horizontally piercing through the distant waters. 

"What's that line?" I asked tracing it on the screen.

"That's what we've been trying to figure out." Jake replied, "It makes no sense."

"Could it just be a screen bug?"

"Nope, we've restarted the tracker and everything. It's picking up something out on the water."

The rest of our company with Mr. Harland leading came in and we worked quickly to fill them in on the small information we have.

"Well" Mr. Harland started,"Looks like we'll need four people out instead of the original plan of two. We'll need a team of two on the beach while Michael and Alysha are out on the water figuring out what this dammed obstacle is." 

"Alysha grab the GoPro helmets for us." I instructed. She passed through the group and entered our equipment room toward the back of the lab.

"Well it's a good thing we have interns this summer. Since I can't send you all out on the water this early in, who's got basic DSLR knowledge and would like to volenteer to be out on the beach filming the hatching for the company website?" Mr.Harland asked the group.

I internally groaned at his question. Not only because we are putting some of our most prized possesions in the hands of the untrusted novices, but it was more who one of the novices were that made it even more painstaking. The moment the words left his mouth my eyes darted to Tony. I really should be focused on William, him bdeing my intern and all, but Tony's undeterrable advinity both intrigued and vexed me. It arose the second his brain processed the question, and his eyes dialated. "I'll do it!" 

I bit back a sigh. Maybe even the roll of my eyes. What is this man, six years old at heart? How did he become interested in a profession he is obviously iept for? 

William also raised his hand in a more acceptable manner, and the two were assigned the task. Alysha came back in with the wet suits and GoPro helmets.

"Sorry it a while, we've seriously gotta get that room in order." She complained while throwing her hair back in an effortless ponytail. "Sooo, may I ask who's our photographers?"

William and Tony simultaneously raised their hands, and she walked over to the camera table and handed them both our Canon EOS Rebels.

"As for the rest of you, make sure you're updating Danielle!" Mr. Harland instructed, waking up a few interns who looked dazed and confused.

Alysha's voice drew me away from the group. "Mike, a word." She said, motioning for me to follow her so we were out of ear shot for the others.

"What is your deal?" She asked with a dramatic sigh.

"What do you mean 'what is my deal'?" I questioned idiotically.

"I saw your face when Tony volenteered. I know that face. Why is his presence aggravating you so much?" She asked with a raise of the eyebrow and the crossed arms.

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