Life Update. (Please read!)

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This is long, but important. Note: yes I posted the same thing on TOGTLIM. It's for the people who have one or the other in their library, so everyone sees the update. You can skip down to the past pertaining to this book only if you'd like.

Hi everyone. So, I haven't updated this book since May of 2016. Sorry does not even begin to describe the guilt I've been harboring about it, especially since just on chapter 22 or something I said I wouldn't abandon it. Every time I get a notification from someone saying update, it pains me. I am so sorry.

The problem is, I fell out of the SWS/PTV fandom awhile ago. Mostly SWS, because I wasn't appreciating the way the band was evolving. Don't get me wrong, I still love the guys, but not nearly as much as I used to.

Pierce, on the other hand, I'm still very enthralled with. I actually saw them live on the Misadventures tour in LA last summer. I still love those guys just as much as I did when I started writing this book. The only difference is I don't keep up as much because priorities change with maturity, along with interests. Writing I used to be obsessed with, and I'm still in love with getting my stories out there for now almost 4 thousand people to see. That's crazy.

The fact that this story was set in high school/ the very end of high school gives me some sort of hope to continue. I'm a junior now, I started this account as a freshman. I've witnessed 3 years of high school culture, and it definitely makes writing the atmosphere easier. With that being said, I hope to continue this book very soon, along with The Aspiring Marine Biologist, as I had the whole plot laid out for that book, but I just stopped writing.

Thank you all so much for your comments and pleas for updates. It means so much that you all like my writing enough to want more. I actually sat here for the last hour and a half reading over every chapter myself. I'm proud to say that I am very impressed. (Ik, a bit self-indulgent. Whatever.)

Now, with all of this being said, I'd like to know: who would genuinely want me to resume updating this book? For those people that have persistently commented, don't worry, I see you. But for my followers or readers that haven't commented much, here's where I need your support. Regardless of if this post gets a lot of encouragement or not, I'm about 80% I will put another chapter up. At least to get the book out of the bad spot it's been in for nearly a year.

Again, thank you all so much. I look forward to any comments I might receive! I'll be replying if so!! -Cc <3

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