Chapter 2.

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^^^ Katlynne in picture above

Katlynnes P.O.V.

"Hey Guys? Who's the new neighbors?" I asked my best friends Thomas and JC while looking out the window at the new neighbors moving in.
" I don't know why don't you ask them your self?" Thomas said.
"I might later." Then I looked back out the window and saw a very cute boy.
He was pretty tall and had brown short hair. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a red SnapBack, and a white shirt with a black circle on the middle with lettering inside it. I couldn't tell what it said from here. He was just so cute. Him and some girl were caring boxes in the house and they were laughing together. She looked a little younger then him. Like maybe 2 years maybe 3. He looked to be like my age and my age is 18. My birthday is October 22 1995. I'm hoping that girl isn't his girlfriend. What am I saying I don't even know this boy.
"KATE! HELLO earth to Katlynne are you there?!" JC said.
"Oh yeah I'm sorry."
"Looks like you've got a crush!" Tommy said as he came and sat by me and looked out the window. I blushed and looked at him.
"Shut up. I don't even know him."
"Oh? Well your already blushing over him."
"So what." I gave tommy a death glare telling him to be quite and he put his hands in the air.
"Okay okay you don't like him."
"I never said that." I said smirking at him.
"WHAT?! KATLYNNE YOURE SO CONFUSING!" I laughed and nodded. JC laughed along with us. We laughed for a good 5 minutes and then JC broke it and said
"Alright guy lets do something."
"Like what?" Thomas said while raising his eyebrows.
"oooo like lets go see a film!" I said looking at them both with hope.
"Okay yeah! Like at a drive in!" JC said
"OMG JC THIS IS WHY I LOVE YOU!" I said while running over to him and hugging him while sitting on his lap.
He hugged me back and then tommy came over and hugged me and JC and said
"What about me guys?!"
I said
"Oh Thomas I love you too!" We all laughed while we were hugging. Then we all separated and I said
"What movie?"
"I've been wanting to see pixels. That new Disney movie where the characters come to life!" Tommy said.
"Okay let me look up what time it starts." JC said.
"Well guys the movie is going to be at night so what do we do to waste time?" I said while trying to think of something to do.
"Why don't we go to that new pizza place." JC said.
"Oooo and invite that new neighbor boy that Katlynnes got the hots for!" Tommy said and I gave him a death glare. Then JC said
"Good idea Thomas." Then I turned and looked at him and gave him the death glare. We had a mini staring competition and of course I won. I gave him a dominating look with a smirk.
"Okay you two if your done now, let's go talk to that neighbor boy!"
"I don't know tommy." I said unsure of his idea.
"Oh come on Kate it's not like he'll bite."  JC said
"Maybe." I said under my breath.
"What was that?" Tommy questioned.
"Nothing."  I grabbed my purse and looked in the mirror to make sure I looked decent.
"So ya tryin to look nice for him eh?" Tommy said while raising his eyebrow.
"No I'm just trying to make sure I look decent. We are going in town and I'm not trying to look like crap. So do you mind me looking in the mirror to see if I look okay?" I said a little frustrated at his statement even though it was a bit true. I did want to look good for this new boy. I adjusted my shirt to make it more flattering and it helped a little so I kept it like that.
"Sorry." Tommy said.
"You better be." I said while chuckling.
"Okay guys lets go." JC said
I realized I had left my phone upstairs on the window seal when we were about half way out the door. 
"Hey guys hold on I forgot my phone."
"Okay." They both said in unison. I walked up the stairs and into my room to get my phone off of the Window seal when I saw JC and Thomas over at the new neighbors house talking with that really cute boy. I freaked when I saw JC point to my house. I just kept watching to see the boys reaction and he smiled. WHAT WAS JC TELLING HIM?!?!?!!!!?? JSHSJNS HSSJNVWJA HEISHDBHSK!!!!!! ( that was me freaking out) I rushed out of my room and down the stairs and then out the door. I shut the front door behind me and walked over to where they all were talking. JC and tommy looked at me and smiled and then I looked at the cute boy and he said something but I didn't hear him. I was too busy studying his features and how attractive he was. Woah he really is so cute. He looked at me confused then JC  said "Hey Kate can you please come out of Katlynne land and say hello to Kian."
"Umm yeah sorry."
The cute boy said "hi I'm Kian, and I'm guessing your name is Katlynne?"
"Umm yeah how did you know?"
"JC here just said your name when you were staring at me and told you To get out of Katlynne land." I blushed and looked away. Me and Kian just stood there looking at each other with an awkward silence until Thomas  broke it.
"Umm yeah if you guys are done gawking at eachother with heart eyes I would like to go get pizza because I'm starving."
Then JC spoke up. "So Kian do you want to come with us?"
"I would love to but I have to watch my little sister brooklynne." So that's who he was laughing with earlier.
"She can come too." I said eager that he comes.
"Okay I'll go ask her." With that he went inside and came back out with his sister about 5 minutes later. We all decided to walk. I was walking a little behind everyone when Brooklynne started to walk slower to walk with me.
"Hey." She said
"Hi." I said looking at her. She was really pretty. She had brown hair and her eyes were dark and so were her eyebrows and eyelashes. Her eyelashes were really long and pretty. She had a scar on her eyebrow. It looked new. I wonder what happened? I brushed that off and continued looking at what she looked like. She was wearing a blue t-shirt with Demi Lovato on it and some shorts and vans.
"So what's your name?"
"My name is Katlynne. Yours is brooklynne right?"
Then she said "You're really pretty."
"Thank you! You're also pretty."
She blushed and said "thanks."
"So you obviously have met my brother, do you like him?"
I just looked at her in a little shock. Why would she ask that? Was I that obvious? "I don't really know him."
"Well I hope you do. I can tell he likes you or he thinks your super hot."
"Oh." I said while blushing.
We walked a little ways and she went back up to the group then Kian came back a little with me. He was staring at me so I looked over at him and he blushed and looked away. I giggled a little and blushed. He looked back at me and he was smiling. "So umm... Uh what kind of pizza do you uh like?"
I laughed and said "Well I like pineapple on mine."
"Hmm I've never tried that. I always thought it would be weird."
"No it's good."
"I'll try it. I like trying new things."
"Me too. So what's your favorite?"
"Umm probably pepperoni."
"Yeah I guess I'm pretty basic."
"You don't look basic." Why did i say that?! Now he's going To ask what I mean. I don't even know what I meant.
"How so?"
"Like umm. You just look fun. Like you know? Fun to be around."
"Oh thanks I guess."
"umm yeah. You're welcome." Why did I say that?! What is that even suppose to mean?!  "You look fun"  oh my gaw I'm so freaking stupid. We walked in awkward silence until we got to the pizza place. It didn't take long. Maybe 3 minutes. But it seemed like forever in that silence. I just felt so stupid for saying that. He's probably thinking I'm a complete weirdo. Ugh I am. I'm ranting about how stupid I am and what I think he's thinking in my head. Why can't I just be normal!? Geez.
I need a nap.

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