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ROH Taping - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Friday - August 14, 2009

Following the Royal Butterfly the pin was merely a formality, a short three-count and a bell later "Ride of the Valkyries" began playing as the victor was announced, "And your winner: Sara Del Rey!"

Lying on the mat was a 20 year old from Maine. Valerie Silverthorne, under the name Valley Silvers, sold the finisher to the best of her abilities before slowly rolling out of the ring and letting the veteran soak in her victory. Valerie sat on the floor catching her breath, back against the ring as Del Rey continued her victory celebration. When Del Rey reached the side of the ring where the girl from Maine sat she stopped, looking down at the girl who quickly made it to her feet and extended her hand. A sign of respect and a fixture of Ring of Honor, the "code of honor" was upheld as the veteran shook the rookie's hand before making her way back behind the curtain. Valerie followed shortly.

Now back behind the curtain she let out a breath. Her first match in an ROH ring was over and for the most part she seems to have done a good job, Sara seemed to agree as she gave a smile and another handshake before wandering off to change. Valerie stayed in her gear, just taking everything in about the company. It had a different feel than SHIMMER, that was for sure, and it had a different feel than the other Indie promotions she had worked for. She felt incredibly small here for some reason.

Valerie sat around backstage for the rest of the show watching as wrestler after wrestler went out and performed their absolute best before returning to the backstage area and going off to change or at least put on a shirt. As the show came to a close the dark haired girl from Eastport got up off the floor and journeyed over to where her things were and slipping on a t-shirt before heading out to see the fans and the other performers' merchandise.

A few pictures, autographs, and merch sales later Valerie found herself backstage again, packing up her belongings and finally changing out of her gear into a pair of shorts, a tank top, low rise converse, and a mini leather jacket. Short one shower Valerie doused herself in body spray after running a brush through her near waist length black hair and throwing it up into a pony tail. Slinging her green Slytherin duffle bag on her right shoulder and carrying her merch box in her hands, the blue eyed beauty began to make her way to the parking lot and her 2003 silver Volkswagen Golf, eager to crash for the night before driving home the next day.

Much to Valerie's displeasure however, as she walked and tried to fish her keys out of her jacket pocket her duffle bag slipped applying pressure to her elbow and causing her to drop her box. Just her luck.

With a huff the young woman dropped her bag beside her, kneeling down she began to gather her scattered belongings. Collecting her loose 8x10s quickly she shoved them back into the box before focusing on the few shirts that had made an escape from the box, giving them a quick dusting as she went.

"Need some help there?"

Looking up from her mess the young Mainer watched the young man approaching her. Any feelings of worry she might have felt disappeared almost immediately as she recognized him as one of the guys that had been on the card right before her match. Picking up the final shirt, the man known as Tyler Black handed it back to the Mainer after dusting it off.

"Thanks," She said, accepting the shirt and giving it a quick fold before tossing it back into the box and standing back up to be face-to-face with the man in front of her, leaving both her duffle bag and merch box on the floor as she fished out her keys, not wanting to go through the mess again. She gave him a smile, "It was a pleasure working here and meeting everyone."

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