Making History

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Calais, Maine
September 2009

Valerie Silverthorne was in awe as she stood in the hallway, leaning against the wall outside of her college classroom after she had hung up her phone.

Ten to twenty minutes.

They were going to be given ten to twenty minutes for their match at the next show. She was still surprised that they had even invited her back! Whether it was Stefanie "Xena" Costas that had put in the good word or whether it was Excalibur, Super Dragon, or any of the other guys that did it, all Valerie knew was that she'd be at the next PWG show going one-on-one with Xena. Their time limit was still undetermined as she was told other matches on the card still had to be worked out and would get more priority but for now it was looking like they'd be getting anywhere from ten to twenty minutes for their match. 

After a few more minutes Valerie slipped back into her biology class and into the seat next to Christie, the youngest of the four Silverthorne children. The green eyed Silverthorne gave an inquisitive glance at her elder sister, receiving only a wide smile in reply.


"Oh, c'mon, spill it already! What was that call about?" Christie Silverthorne had not managed a peep out of her sister since she had reentered their biology class with a ridiculously bright smile. Since then they had split up for their final classes of the day before returning to the home their mother had inherited in Calais, the one the four Silverthorne children inhabited during their studies at Washington County Community College. Valerie and Christe currently sat in the dining room with their books open across the table and a kettle of hot water at the center, ready to be made into tea or coffee. "Tell me, please?"

There was a gleam in the Valerie's electric blue eyes as she looked up from her book and answered her sister, "I'm going back to PWG, want to come?"


PWG Against the Grain
Reseda, California
Friday - October 2, 2009

The weekend of October 2nd came quicker than anyone anticipated. Valerie Silverthorne has spent the previous week finishing days worth of homework and extra credit in preparation of leaving the state for the weekend, insuring that her grade would not suffer from missing a day or two. Christie Silverthorne would not have it as hard as her sister as she would be taking most of her assigned work with her to California. The weekend would be spent all in California with Valerie being booked at PWG's Against the Grain on Friday before traveling upstate for shows on Saturday and Sunday, it was during the drives and hours backstage that Christie would do her school work.

Textbook in hand, Christie was accompanying Valerie as she walked into the American Legion Post No. 308 to start getting ready for her second PWG appearance. 

"Just stay toward the back and try not to get killed okay?" Valerie looked toward her younger sister as she walked, her Slytherin duffle bag filled with her wrestling gear in its usual place on her right shoulder, "Mom and Dad will never let you come with me again if you die."

The youngest Silverthorne gave a laugh at her sister's exaggeration, "I will try my absolute hardest not to cause a crime scene." 

"Please and thank you."


She was nervous, no doubt about it. Not one of her previous matches had ever come close to the ten minute mark much less twenty. Their time slot so far had been brought down to under fifteen minutes including entrances but that hadn't eased the Mainer's nerves. After fixing up her boots and having Christie fiddle with her makeup and hair Valerie stood by the curtain, eyes watching the first bout of the night while her mind wandered to her own upcoming match.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2017 ⏰

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