Chapter 1 - Scratch

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Chapter 1


"I'M GOING TO BE LATE!!!" I shrieked as I grabbed my croissant.

I swooped down to grab my denim backpack, and rushed out, my shiny buckle flats slapping the ground. My two blonde braids that are down to my butt, slapping it as I ran out the door.

"Bye mom!" I yelled

I kicked open the rustic gate as it opened with its usual loud squeak. My denim jacket flapping up and down like a bird, with my white pencil skirt rising up slowly. I shoved my skirt down as I stuck my croissant in my mouth, eating as fast as I can. I took out my phone, looking at the time-


I fell backwards, but before I hit the ground, somebody caught me.

"Sorry, my bad." A deep voice murmured

I looked up to face a guy with an angular chin, short black hair that was stuck up, and chocolate eyes, with plump, thin lips, and a perfect nose. He had small stubbles across his chin and up the sides.

"Oh, no, it was my fault..." I weakly replied

He smiled warmly, and brought me up, his muscle flexing.

"I should have watched where I was going..." We both said at the same time

We smiled, but I looked behind him to see our town's clock.


"AIEEEEEEEE!" I yelled

"Sorry! I got to be at school by 8:30!" I dashed off

'Man, he was hot.' I smiled to myself

I ran towards my misery, also known as, Lakeview High School.

"Usagi! Usagi!" Someone called my name

I recognized the voice

"Naru! Hurry up! We're going to be late!" I called out to my bestfriend

Naru rushed to my side, panting harshly.

"Let's go, we don't want to stand in the hallway on the beginning of school." Melisa grabbed my arm, and we both ran, my curls flying, and her brown hair flying in the wind.

We made it on the dot, 8:30, right when our teacher walked in.

"Good morning Juuban Students! Welcome to our high school. We hope you enjoy your first year of highschool, and let us know how your experience went at the end of school. Now, my name Haruna Sakurada, and I will be your teacher for the rest of the year. Now let's go around the classroom and say our names." And that's when boredom begun.

You see, I don't get that much sleep. Phones are too distracting nowadays, but I can't help it! I started to drift off, when a hard jab poked me in the side of my stomach. I immediately opened my dark blue eyes to see the teacher looking at me disapprovingly.

"My name is Usagi Tsukino." I yawned

"Now class, this is a perfect example on why you should get good sleep, instead of none." Haruna pointed out

I rolled my eyes when she wasn't looking and laid my head on my hard wooden desk.

'This is going to be a long day...' I thought glumly


"Usagi! Wait up!" My best friend called out, catching up to me.

It was now lunch time, thank goodness, and we decided to sit underneath a tree that had cool shade on this hot day.

"Hey, how was your summer?" She smiled at me

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