Sailor Mercury

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Chapter 3

Sailor Mercury


"Mhm..." I groaned


"Mom, please, three more minutes..."


"AH!" I rolled out of my bed onto the carpet floor

"Usagi-Chan, are you okay?"

I sat up, and rubbed my sore eyes.

"Mom, you sound just like this cat in my dream named Luna..." I yawned

"It is me."

I open one eye to my bed. There stood Luna, very much real and alive. I opened my mouth in shock, but closed it. My eyes were so wide, it filled my room.

"Luna, you're real..." I trailed off

"Yes, Usagi. And as your job as Sailor Moon is real too." She sat upright

"Me? Sailor Moon? AWESOME!" I smiled

"Is my catch phrase too weird? Do I need to fix my hair?"


"Should I put it in a bun? Should I dress differently? What should I do?"


"Hm, the outfit was actually cute-"


I froze in my spot, and slowly sat down.

"Wow, I'm Sailor Moon. I'm talking to a cat. I'm crazy." The realization started to sink in

"Usagi-Chan, I know this came upon you quickly, and I apologize for that, but I sense an evil aura here in Japan. I need you to help find The Moon Princess with me, and the Legendary Silver Crystal." Luna sprung from the bed onto the floor, and crawled onto my lap.

"But, I'm not even fit for this job! I'm not smart! I'm not totally athletic! Why me?" I stared ahead, my arms limp to my side.

"I... to be honest, I don't remember anything... All I know is that we were from the Moon Kingdom, and we were demolished by the Dark Kingdom.." Luna pondered

"But you have been chosen by the moon, so being a Sailor Guardian takes a lot of responsibility."

"This is awesome, me being a superhero? It's exactly like Sailor V!" I squealed

"Usagi, I hope you know that things will get a lot harder and scarier, I need to know, can you do this?" Luna looked at me

I fiddled with my blonde hair for a minute.

"I'm ready."


"So, Luna, are there more Sailor Guardians out there just like me?" I asked, as I brushed my teeth for the night

"Yes, it is my job for now to find the rest of the Sailor Guardians." Luna answered

"How many Guardians are there?"

"Hm.. including you, five. Excluding you, four."

"Do they have powers?" I spat out the toothpaste

"Yes, there is Sailor Mercury, the Guardian of Planet Mercury, Sailor Mars, Guardian of Planet Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Guardian of Jupiter, Sailor Venus, Guardian of Venus." Luna answered

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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