Ch. 3

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Reili POV

Britt was driving like she just got out of the mental ward, screaming and cursing at everything and everyone.

"Watch where you're going assbutter!" She screamed out the window as someone cut her off.

I just looked at her crazily as we made eye contact. She looked like she was gonna punch me, and i haven't done anything yet.

"Pay attention to the damn road" i raised my voice, honestly scared for my life.

Yep I'm definitely driving home this time. I really don't want to die this young.

"We're obviously getting close to the party from all the fucking stupid ass drivers around here. They're probably all drunk off their asses. "

"Sure, thats it. Or its just you going 20 miles over the speed limit and driving like we are getting chased by the One Direction fandom." I yelled at her while she skipped two lanes.

"You know thats illegal right! We could have gotten fined 500 dollars if we were caught."

"Well we didn't so all is good." She said back in a sassy tone.

"We have arrived!" Britt said as she poorly parked next to the curb obviously not within the 12 inches.

This party already looks like this is gonna get out of hand. There are people all over the yard drinking. Britt immediately jumped out of the car running towards the door.

"Hurry up! They are probably already doing the fireball shots with out me!" She screamed while jumping up and down.

"Calm your tits girl. There is plenty of alcohol." Opening the door of the car, i stepped out and locked the doors.

I caught up to her but once we got through the doors she immediately wandered off, leaving me standing there by myself. I awkwardly started to walk around to try to find Britt. Which is highly unlikely but it gives me something to do. I saw people playing beer pong, hoes dancing all over each other, and random people making out on the stairs. Like cant they get a room? Nobody wants to see people sticking there tongues down each others throats! I moved past the sweaty college kids to get to the back yard and by now i have been looking for Britt for over 40 minutes and I'm honestly quite scared because she really needs to be supervised.

As i walked into the backyard i find her sitting in the grass with that group of obnoxious boys that we came across at the coffee shop earlier. She was completely wasted and playing "suck and blow" with those specific boys. When i approached the group she dropped the card between her and the guy that called her feisty earlier today . She leaned into kiss him when i called her name.

"Britt!" I called over the blasting music.

She immediately turned to me and stood up and ran over to me, wrapping her body around mine like we haven't seen each other in 10 years.

"Reili come play with us!" She mumbled as she attempted to walk back to the group.

"Uh no thanks" i replied as she was once again sitting in the exact place she was when i found her.

"Oh come on its fun" she whined.

"I don't even know these people!"

"Well if you play with us you can get to know us" the boy that was about to kiss her said.

"Not likely" i said plain and simply.

"Don't be so uptight" the muscular dark boy said.

I just crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

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