Chapter 13

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Simon wandered how he ever got himself into his current predicament, one minute he was playing Minecraft, stuffing his face with cheese encrusted pizza, topped with extra pepperoni and peppers, and the next he was sitting hunched over his laptop in the office, playing spot the difference with CCTV tapes.

He sighed heavily and stayed close behind detective Mitchell. They walked down the side of the abandoned house, after agreeing that they all split up, Simon and Mitchell ended up together, whilst the other two searched the house.

Armed with only a flashlight and a bottle of pepper spray, Simon hesitantly followed Mitchell to the back wall of the Garden, overgrown grass and weeds snagging at his trousers and scratching his ankles, he stumbled forward, holding onto Mitchell for support.

Mitchell cast him a look and shook his head, "Sorry." Simon mouthed, leaning off of the detective and stepping over a fallen branch. The sky was darkening and the only light visible was from the street lampposts, this made it increasingly difficult for the two men to see.

The car was parked in the back garden, and looked as if it hadn't been driven in a long time. Dirt and grime coated the windows and weeds became tangled in the wheels. Mitchell shone his flashlight into the drivers seat whilst Simon peered in from the back. Mitchell then took off his jacket and wrapped it around his fist. With one punch the drivers side window crashed in and shards of glass fell to the ground.

Simon winced at the sound and quickly looked around him. He was scared and confused and wished he was at home snuggled under a duvet watching the star wars box sets. He watched as Mitchell climbed into the car, opened the glove compartment and fumbled around, he then searched the back seats. Simon, who was shuffling from feet to feet decided it was best if he made himself useful, he walked over to the boot and tried the handle. He grinned. It was unlocked.

But his smile soon faded, when the boot was proven to empty, he slammed it shut and met Mitchell around the front.

"We need forensics to come and search for prints." Mitchell said, his gaze drifted behind Simon and his eyes lit up in surprise.

"Where do those doors usually lead ?" He asked, pointing to a wooden door situated towards the back of the garden. Simon followed his gaze and shrugged.

"I'm not sure, a back alley or by the looks of it the woods."

"Good, come on." Mitchell said, walking over to the fence, Simon sighed and followed. After feeling their way along the back fence, they reached the adjoining door, that led them to the woods in the back.

"I don't think this a good idea." Whispered Simon, ducking down and heading through the door.

"Ssh, we wont be long." Mitchell whispered, turning on his flashlight and scanning the ground. The soil was heavily saturated and squelched underneath their weight. Simon cursed underneath his breath as twigs became caught in his jacket and hair. A branch knocked his glasses off of his face causing Simon to stumble forward again, but this time Mitchell was not in front to catch his fall.

With a thud, he fell to the ground.
"Oh for crying out loud." He groaned, sitting up and staring off into the distance. He was cold, wet and just wanted to go home. He was not cut out for this field work. He decided he was best in the office, analysing tapes and evidence.

"Come on Simon, get up." Mitchell said, not bothering to turn around.

"One minute sir, I need to find my glasses." He replied, using his hands to scan the ground, his hands began roaming, he was like a mole without his glasses, completely blind, seeing the world as a blur of shapes. His hand fell upon something cold and squidgy, he began to prod at it, jumping back as his finger entered a hole, he could of sworn he felt a tongue. He kept roaming until his hands eventually touched his glasses, he quickly put them on.

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