Bullies So Quickly?

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A/N: HelloooOoOooooOOOOooOooOOOOoo! Here's chapter 4 of "My New Family!" I hate doing stuff like this, but I'm going to make the school that the reader goes to really stereotypical. Like everyone doesn't like her (except for the teachers), most of the people bully her, no one wants to be her friend, etc. I HATE DOING THIS TO YOU READER-CHAN, BUT IT'S CRUCIAL TO THE PLOT OF THE STORY! Soooooo get reading!

You took a deep breath, "My name is [y/n] Lester."

After you said that, the students have already started to whisper among themselves, and you heard every word of it.

"Oh my god, why is she wearing the male's uniform?" Well fuck you too, Shitfaced-Sally

"Her last name is Lester? Like Phil Lester?" Nooo, like Ralph Lester- OF COURSE PHIL LESTER!

"Ugh, she's wearing the boy's uniform. Must be a lesbian. Hope she doesn't flirt with me." You can't decide anyone's sexuality, bitch.

Mr. Caine smiled at you, "You can take any seat you like!"

You nodded and scanned the area and decided to sit in the corner of the room. The nearest person sitting near you was three seats in front of you, so that made you feel better.

You never were a social person anyways, the only reason everyone knew you in your old school was because you won first place in the school talent show. You were very good at playing the drums and you were thinking of making a YouTube channel where you uploaded videos of you doing drum covers of songs, but you realized that the neighbours, Dan, and Phil would get pretty annoyed.

The school day went on like normal. Teachers introduced themselves. The people on the PA system made the morning announcements. Constant whispers of, "Why is she wearing the school uniform?"

At lunch, you didn't eat anything since you forgot to bring a lunch and you didn't have any money. No one came to sit with you since everyone else had their own friends.

{Time skip to after school brought to you by Phil's extreme love for lions}

You had your bag slung over your shoulder as you walked out the main entrance. Feeling a presence following you, so you quickly spun around to face two girls. The taller of the two had platinum blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail and swamp green eyes. The other girl had brown eyes and obviously had dyed ginger hair since her natural hair, a cinnamon brown, started growing back from the roots. You remembered that the blonde girl's name was Rose and the ginger girl's name was Maria.

"You," Rose spoke none too politely, "Heard your last name was 'Lester,' yeah?"

"...Yeah...?" You replied slowly.

Maria and Rose took a step towards you.

"If we find out that you have any relation to Dan and Phil," Maria growled, "I swear we will make your life a living torture."

Your eyes widened and you nodded frantically. Quickly sprinting along the pavement that was within the school property, scanning the roads and the parking lot for Dan's car.

Once you found it, you ran towards it and frantically got into the car, which had a waiting Dan in the driver's seat.

"Hey! So how was school?" He asked you. You just nodded and replied, "It was pretty good."

He nodded as well and drove away from the school property to the flat building. The car ride was silent except for the sound of Dan tapping against the car's steering wheel. The tapping didn't bother you at all. You sort of liked it. He was kind of mimicking the beat to 'Toxic.'

You looked down at your watch which was secure on your left wrist; 3:18 PM.

Listening to the beat Dan was tapping out, you thought to yourself, 'What's up with my last name? Why do I have bullies so quickly? What did I ever do to them? There are plenty of people with the last name of Lester.'

When the two of you finally arrived back at the flat, Dan shouted, "Phil, we're home!"

Phil poked his head out through his bedroom door, "Hey [y/n], how was school?"

Again, you nodded and responded, "Pretty good. I'm going to go watch some Tokyo Ghoul now. You guys can cook dinner."

You gave them a tight smile and walked to your room.

Behind you, Dan and Phil shared a look. "Today's Monday, she's supposed to cook dinner today. She would never skip out on doing that," Dan stated.

"There's definitely something wrong," Phil agreed.

A/N: HEY HI HEY SO SORRY THIS WAS UPLOADED SUPER LATE AND IT'S A SUPER SHORT EHAPTER I LOST THE DOCUMENT AGAIN AND I COULDN'T RETRIEVE IT SO I HAD TO REWRITE EVERYTHING I'M SO SORRY haha but on another note, the fifth chapter will be uploaded NEXT WEEK on the fifth of August! I know it's seven days and you guys can't wait that long (I can't wait that long either) but I will need to take breaks TTUTT Sumimasen, reader-san! *bows* Okay, see y'all next week with the fifth chapter of "My New Family!"


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