Ch. 3

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"I'm bored." Mitch's leg shook restlessly, as he glanced back at the clock. "It's only been a couple minutes, darl- Mitch."

"Feels like a lifetime." He muttered, squirming around in his seat. "Just... replay the I Am Tour in your head." Scott suggested.

"The what?"

"Beyonce's tour, you know it." Mitch shook his head. "I don't remember it."

Scott sighed, pitying him. "Okay, what about Crazy In Love? We watched that just last week."

"I think I know that one." Mitch said hesitantly. He started humming, and shut his eyes. That occasionally helped him recall faces and such.

"Wow." He gasped. "Beyonce is really pretty." Scott grinned. "Yeah, she is. Not as pretty as you though."

Mitch giggled, his eyes still shut.

"Thank you Sandra." The door swung open, and Mitch's eyes flew open. "Hello, sorry to keep you waiting. Nice to see you two again."

"Who are you?" Mitch asked. The doctor smiled knowingly. "Dr. Longhart, I've been treating you these past few months." Mitch nodded.

"So, Doctor. Why did you need to see us?" Scott said.

Dr. Longhart sat down in the chair across from the two boys. "Just for a checkup, make sure everything is alright."

"Well, things are relatively normal. The mood swings still happen, but there aren't so many personality changes." "He's currently on Namenda, correct?"

"For a month now. He used to be on Razadyne." "Okay. I'm going to start him out on Aricept." "At the same time as Namenda?"

"Yes, but only take one Aricept a day. I'll write the prescription now."

The doctor left the room, and Scott looked back to Mitch. He was staring into space, and Scott couldn't tell whether he understood the conversation.

"More pills?"

Mitch asked softly, his voice nearly getting drowned out by the sound of the air conditioning.

His face was contorted with disorientation and sadness, his eyes filled with tears yet his expression was blank.

"Yeah, more pills."

The doctor came back in and handed Scott the prescription. "Thanks, Dr. Longhart." He took it with his free hand, as he was holding Mitch's side.

"You're welcome, Mr. Hoying. Best of luck." He smiled, and waved to Mitch. He wearily waved back.

They went to the parking lot, nearly getting into the car before Scott's phone rang. Alex. Why the hell is Alex calling me?

"Uh, get in the car, Mitch. I'll be there in a second, okay?" He nodded, and hopped into the passenger seat.

He answered the call. "What the fuck do you want?" He said angrily.

"Aggressive, are we?" Alex's amused voice rang through the phone. "I'm going to ask you again: what the fuck do you want?"

"You. Well, and a silver unicorn." "Alex, stop calling me." "Why are you so uptight suddenly? Oh, it's because of retard boy."

"Don't call him that." He growled. "Like you haven't thought it." Scott could practically hear his smirk.

Though he felt guilty, Scott continued to argue. "Last chance, Kirk. Leave me alone."

"Sorry, b-"

Scott cut him off, and ended the call. He went back to the car and sat in the driver's seat. Mitch didn't ask him what it was about, but he didn't expect him to.

They sat quietly, while Scott drove them home. He didn't bother to turn on the radio, he was too busy worrying about Alex.

He wouldn't try to hurt me. Us. He wouldn't. Right?

He parked at the apartment building, and they took the elevator to their floor. Scott pushed the door open and Mitch hazily walked in.

"Kirstie will be here soon, I had to take a long lunch to bring you to the doctor's, so I need to go back to work. Understand?"

"Who's Kirstie?" "The girl with the doggie." "Oh! Kirstie, the doggie girl." He exclaimed.

"Yeah, that's right." Scott smiled. "I'll give you your medication, then I'll go." Mitch pouted at the mention of his meds.

He headed to the medicine cabinet and reached for the Namenda. He unscrewed the top, and poured two onto his hand.

Three in the morning, two in the afternoon.

He went back into the living room and handed Mitch the pills. He watched as Mitch swallowed them both without water, which he rarely did.

Scott kissed Mitch on the cheek and pointed to his phone. "You have any problems, call me. Alright?"

Mitch nodded. "Bye, hu- Mitch. I love you. The doggie girl will be here in fifteen minutes or so."

He took his briefcase and shut the door, leaving Mitch alone. He thought about eating, but the pills had spoiled what little appetite he had left.

Mitch sat there sulking for a bit until there was a knock on the door.

He'd already forgotten that Kirstie was coming, and he became scared. "W-who is it?" He asked nervously.

"Hi, are you Mitch? We've met before. I'm Avi, one of Scott's friends." Alex's voice rang from the other side of the door.

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