Ch. 5

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Mitch woke up in his own bed, having barely any recollection of what happened the previous day.

Kirstie had carried him there after he spilled his guts and conked out on the couch.

He rolled out of bed and looked over at dresser, which had a note written in messy handwriting.

Hey Mitch, hope you slept well. I'm going to come over today at nine. Stay safe, love you. -Kirstie (doggie girl).

Mitch smiled at the note and attempted to stand up with his migraine. He opened the door dizzily, and swayed lightly. This should be a competitive sport, he thought.

His leg was also in pain, from Alex's assault the previous day.

He rubbed his eyes and walked into the kitchen, limping slightly, pouring himself a bowl of cereal. He checked the clock. It was eight o'two, Kirstie would be there soon.

Scott walked into the kitchen while Mitch was enjoying his Lucky Charms, and they locked eyes.

Mitch felt uncomfortable and cringed inwardly, as he had no clue why Scott was looking at him like that.

Scott finally looked away and went to the fridge to get milk. "I'm sorry." He mumbled. "Hmm?" Mitch hummed. "I'm sorry." He repeated louder.

"For what?" Mitch asked.

You don't rem-" Mitch raised his eyebrows. "Nothing, I just.. insulted your hair. That's all." Mitch cocked his head and smiled. "Alright then, you're forgiven. Sort of." He winked.

Scott grinned, but felt incredibly guilty. He just lied to Mitch. Oh, who was he kidding? He manipulated him.

As soon as he was done with this milk he rushed to cower in his room. "I'm horrible." He whispered to himself, leaning against the door.

People say he's lucky to have me. He must be pretty unlucky.

He stayed in his bedroom, until escaping at the last minute, and hoped that Mitch wasn't there. "Kirstie will be here soon, Mitch! I love you." He shouted.

"Okay." Mitch's voice replied from his room.

Sure enough, a few minutes later Kirstie knocked on the door. As per usual. "Who is it?" He asked, stepping out of his room.

"Kirstie, your doggie girl!" She chirped. He jumped with excitement and swung open the door. "Hello!" He greeted.

"You're happy today." She remarked. He scrunched his nose. "I'm not quite sure why... I just feel nicer." "Well, it's a good change." Kirstie sassed.

Mitch gasped, but laughed. "You took your pills, right?" She checked. "I don't think so, but maybe I did."

Kirstie nodded. "Give me a second, I'll check." She pulled out her phone, and opened a text to Scott.

From: KittyKat
Did Mitch get his pills?

From: NoHomoHoying
Oh, no. I forgot. Fuck, I was also supposed to pick up his new prescription yesterday.

From: KittyKat
Christ, Hoying. Get your shit together. I'll pick it up once you come home, and he can have it tomorrow.

From: NoHomoHoying
Thank you so much, Kirst.

From: KittyKat
Yeah yeah. I'm still mad at you for what you said to Mitch last night.

From: NoHomoHoying
I know, I'm sorry.

From: KittyKat
Don't apologize to me, you dingbat! To Mitch.

From: NoHomoHoying
I already did.

From: KittyKat

From: NoHomoHoying
Yes, this morning. I swear.

From: KittyKat
Ok. See you later, babe. Take a breath. Chill out.

From: NoHomoHoying
Alright, I will. Love you.

From: KittyKat
You too. Bye.

She put her phone down and turned back to Mitch, who was wandering in and out of rooms.

Kirstie trusted Scott... but he did have a habit of bending the truth. "Mitch, come here please. I have something to ask you."

"Yeah?" He answered, as he walked in front of her. "I know it's hard for you to remember things, but I really, really, need you to try."

His face flashed in fear, but he swallowed and nodded.

"Did Scott, the tall blonde boy, apologize to you this morning?" He thought back to that morning. "Yes." He said slowly. "Yes, I think Sandra apologized."

She started with with relief, but-

"It was my hair, right?" "What?" "Something about him saying my hair was bad." "Did he tell you that's what he said?" Kirstie asked, her face getting hot.

He sensed her anger, and felt worried. "I mean, I think so. That's why he apologized, because he said something about my hair."

Kirstie took a deep breath. You can kill him when he gets home, she thought. "Yup, that what happened. Just wondering whether he said sorry."

"Ah, okay." "C'mon, let's go get your pills." He groaned, as his feelings about them had not changed.

She opened the medicine cabinet, and unscrewed one of the bottles.

"They're gone." "Huh?" "The pills, they're all gone." She grabbed the other bottle, having to reach because of her height.

Sure enough, those were empty too. "Mitch, who did this?" He shrugged. "Was it the same person who hurt you?"

"What do you mean?" "Someone attacked you yesterday." "Oh! Is that why my shin hurts?" He asked.

"Mm-hmm." She replied, more focused on the medication.

Who would do this?

Scott is insane if he thinks it was Avi, he'd never hurt him.

And it's definitely not Jeremy, he wouldn't do this.

Kevin is the sweetest person on the face of the earth, so who was it?

Who would be insane enough to break into Scott's apartment, empty his boyfriend's pill bottles, and ram his face into the-


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