Chapter 14: Halloween Part 1

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-Time skip to Halloween-

{Sahara's POV}

        Today was Halloween and we were having a dance, well, Masquerade Ball, at 8. I'm still not talking to Draco and Pansy won't leave his side. She keeps bragging about how her dad got her out of Azkaban and back into school. It's quite annoying if you ask me. I just wanna hex that smug look off her face every time I see her. Instead I just ignore her and Malfoy and only talk to my sibs and Darcy.

      Anna, Darcy and I were in our room getting ready for the dance tonight. Darcy already knew about our charm bracelets and we finally told her all the abilities so we use them around her all the time. I activated the dress charm and changed into my costume. I was going as a sexy Dark Fairy and my costume was absolutely perfect. The dress was black, formfitting and somewhat revealing. I had black 5 inch strappy open-toe heels and black glittering wings.

      I made my hair grow so it reaches my lower back, changed the blonde to black and the pink to red. I made my eyes go red and apply red eye shadow, black eyeliner and blood red lip gloss before replacing all my piercings and putting on my sparkly black eye mask. I turn to the girls and admire their costumes. Darcy was dressed as a bee in a black and yellow striped dress, knee-high boots with 4 inch heels, one boot black the other yellow, and a black and yellow striped mask. Her hair was perfectly curled and her make up was simple yellow eye shadow with black on the corners, black eye liner and clear lip gloss.

     Anna was dressed in a full Catwoman suit and had her hair pure black and crimped. She had a perfect smokey eye and light pink lip gloss. We all checked out each others costumes to make sure we looked perfect before nodding and walking down to the Great Hall together. We entered the hall and everyone turned to us, their jaws hitting the floor.

    I instantly spotted Draco because of his hair, his eyes were glued to me and he was dressed as Tuxedo Mask from the muggle show Sailor Moon. Pansy, as always, was clinging to his arm, trying to look sexy as who I'm guessing is supposed to be Sailor Mercury. I held back from cracking up at her poor attempt of getting Draco's attention and dragged the girls onto the dance floor. After an hour of dancing Anna and I told Darcy we would be back and went to find our brothers.

     Once we found Tommy and Ryan we went up to Professor Dumbledore and asked if we could perform. He told us we could so we went behind the stage and summoned our instruments. We got into formation on stage and everyone went quiet. I approached the microphone and started to speak. "What's up Hogwarts!" I shouted causing almost everyone to start screaming. I laughed before continuing, "Awesome, well we're the Dark Stars and we'll be your musical entertainment for this next song! This song is for all the girls who have been played by a guy and he tried saying he still loved you!" I looked directly at Draco and continued. "This song is called How You Love Me Now. I hope you like it." I nodded to my siblings and we all started to play.

(I do not own this song, this song belongs to Hey Monday.)









You were talking to her

But messing with me

It's finally clear you're blurring the lines.

Are you disturbed?

Oh, now you care

Why do you race through my red lights?

Can't understand

I'll slow it down for you

Tell me how can you sleep

How can you breathe?

Baby tell me how

How you love me now

Tell me how can you sleep

How can you breathe?

I hate when you say

How you love me now

Save, save it for her

I'm not gonna hear

Your reasons and

Please just take me backs

We were never right

Don't waste your breath

You crashed and you're

On your own tonight

Can't understand

I'll slow it down for you

Tell me how can you sleep

How can you breathe?

Baby tell me how

How you love me now

Tell me how can you sleep

How can you breathe?

I hate when you say

How you love me now

Lights out, I found out

My falling star

Goodbye, the sun rises here

There's no more you and I









Tell me how can you sleep

How can you breathe?

Baby tell me how

How you love me now

Tell me how can you sleep

How can you breathe?

I hate when you say

How you love me now

How you love me now

How you love me now

    When the song was over everyone was cheering and whistling. I smiled and thanked everyone before walking off the stage. Darcy ran behind stage and hugged Annalynn, Ryan and I before jumping on Thomas and kissing him. I excused myself and walked over to get some punch. As I was filling my glass someone tapped me lightly on the shoulder. I turn around and see Draco standing in front of me, tears filling his eyes.

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