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Me: Goes to school, do all my homework, follows the rules, rarely goes out.

Parents: your freaking out of control.

Aperently I skipped that part I puberty were I get really attractive. Kidding

The fastest land mammal is the teenager who see's mom pulling in the drive way and realizes they forgot  to do some chores.

Me: *Laughs*
Parents: What's so funny? What's going on? Who are you talking to? Can I see? What's the joke? Are you hiding something?

A moment of silence to all the kids who can't wait to become a teenager cause they think it's fun.

When your mom thinks that you have attitude with her but all you did was answer her question. With a higher voice

Dear creepy noises it's funny how you go away when my parents are back home Sincerely, home alone

Some kids want drugs, some kids want alcohol, I want a nap.

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