Chapter 7:Dont go

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I sat there at the hospital, next to katie, watching dan in his hospital bed.
Dan was paler than ever. His eyes closed gracefully over his cheeks.
The doctor walked in.
"Phillip lester? Katie myers? Hello. I'm doctor Parker. Now your friend, daniel howell, is in a very bad state. He lost a lot of blood. Unfortunately we cannot tell how this is going to go, until we give him the necessary operation. I'm sorry"
For a brief moment, mine and Katie's eyes locked. Surprisingly...she didn't look that upset.
"Tell us about the operation." I demanded
"Well, it's not easy. We take his 60% of his blood away, and we replace it. The...the chances of survival are 38.2%. I'm sorry"
I felt like dying.
Dan might die, because of me.

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