Chapter 28: the news

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I just finished editing a video when dan storms in "phil?! What's this!?" Dan held up a slip of paper from the GP.
Oh no. Dan had seen it before I had.
"Dan-I...can I see the letter?" I felt like crying.
"Phil?! Tell me what happened!?" Dan was getting really angry.
"Dan- I'm sorry I...when you went off with katie I...i" I felt myself crying "I overdosed on tablets."
"Phil?! What were you thinking!" I couldn't tell if dan was mad, hurt or upset,
"What-what does the letter say?" I said over my tears.
He handed me the letter.

Dear Phillip lester
We are sorry to announce that you have a stage 1 of liver cancer.
This will mean you having to come down to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.
The sooner you get there the better.
From doctor michael jefferies.

I started to cry.
"D-dan? I'm sorry i-" I cried even harder.
Dan ran over to me and hugged me.
"Phil it's all my fault. Not yours. I'm an idiot. Common, I'll call a taxi so we can go down to the hospital."
"Ok" I mumbled

I felt like someone had stabbed my heart with a knife. Phil had cancer, and it's all my fault.
When we arrived to the hospital we were directed to a small room.
In there we met a new doctor named 'doctor cran'
"Take a seat." Dr. Cran told us.
"Now I shall explain to you what will happen. We will examine you, before deciding if you need Khemo therapy or not" I gripped onto Phil's hand tight.
"Now phil, I'm going to inject some sleeping pills into your arm so we can examine you" dr. Cran spoke with an Indian accent
Phil nodded.
I kept an eye on phil, I love him. I felt like I was dieing on the inside.
Phil's eyes closed, and the doctor performed several operations on him.
I stood to the side.
I felt a tear roll down my face.
After the doctor was done, and phil was still asleep. He came to talk to me.
"You must be Phil's friend. Well, phil has a very small amount of cancer, hopefully we can remove it without him needing Khemo. Don't worry. I think it will be ok." Doc said "we will perform therapy immediately, unfortunately you cannot be in the room when we perform it. But you can wait in the family room around the corner"
"Ok." I muttered.
I walked around the corner to the family room.
"Daniel?!" A voice yelled from behind me.

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