Foxy x Reader - 2 The Start of Somethng Beautiful

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(A/N: The original version of this chapter involved a flashback where you remember what your mom told you about Foxy and Mike and the Bite of '87, but because of Markiplier's new FNAF4 video that reveals that Golden Freddy probably committed the Bite, I deleted it...)
After the incident with the animatronic fox (who's name happened to be 'Foxy', according to Mike), you were none too eager to go back to work. You had been in a shock for a day afterwords, despite your family's attempts to cheer you up.
It was 11:30 on Wednesday (The Foxy Incident happened Monday) and you were at the kitchen table, sipping a Coke and talking to Mike's fiancée, Doll. She was reading "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" for the hundredth time.
"So, (Y/n), you'll be heading over to Freddy's soon, right?" She asked, shooting you a meaningful 'raised-eyebrows' look over the top of the book. You flushed and returned to studying your Coke can. ("Share a Coke with your Sidekick")
"Eh, well, Doll, I was kinda sorta thinking-" you were cut off by Mike entering the kitchen.
"Hey, (Nickname), the boss says that he'll give you an extra five dollars and a free pizza with your choice of topping if ya come in tonight." He said, dropping into a chair next to Doll and pulling her into his arms. You pretended not to notice the silver engagement ring flashing on her finger and the look on her face- shining with love for your stupid brother.
(A/N: Mike is 27-ish in my mind, Doll is 25.)
You sighed. You knew that you were the main source of income for this family, and that meant you had to go face a killer fox at a house of fear. With five extra dollars and a pizza that would make you a cannibal to eat on the line, how could you refuse? *sarcasm*
You stalked into the Pizzeria at 11:58 and went straight to the office, where the faint odor of (favorite drink), blood, and puke still lingered. You lit a apple-scented candle (don't ask) and collapsed into the chair. You glanced up at the clock- 12:05. Time to start checking the cameras. None of them had moved--yet. You smirked and flipped to Pirate Cove. Just like last night, Foxy was staring out at you. His yellow eyes sent a wave of fear crashing over you, and you swallowed hard. You glared right back and put up 'the finger', hoping you would appear more hardened then you had on Monday.
He continued staring.
You flipped back to the other cameras. Freddy and Chica hadn't moved, but Bonnie was backstage. You made a mental note to close the door soon.
You checked back at Pirate Cove. Foxy wasn't there.
"Dammit." You muttered. You had fallen for the exact same freakin' thing as on Monday!! You flipped to the hall camera and sure enough, Foxy was screaming and racing towards you. You flew towards the door button, but he got there first. (Again. -_-)
"L-l-lass!!" He yelled, standing right in the doorway. If you closed the door, he would 'die', but if you didn't, you would die...
You grabbed your lighter (y'know, the one you used for the candle o.0) and turned it on, aiming it at him.
"If you're not gonna kill me, why are you here?" You demanded, inching closer. He looked...upset, and slightly scared, like he had made terrible choices in his past.
"Lassie...I-I j-j-just wanted t-to apologize for last n-night...p-please forg-g-give me..lass, ye have to..."
You stood there, barely processing what he had said.
He was sorry?! How could he be--?
You looked at his golden eyes.
They were full of sincerity and regret.
You bit back tears.
"Okay." You whispered, tears sneaking out of your eyes and down your cheeks. "I-I accept."
His broken jaw crooked slightly- a smile?
You grinned slightly and stuck out your hand.
"(Y/n) Schmidt. Glad to make your acquaintance, Foxy."
He pulled you into a giant, bone-crushing hug.
Oh, this was the start of something beautiful, indeed.

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