Part 7

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My session with Mrs. Smith ended shortly after my recalling of me and Kyle's first night. It was hard to talk about but truth be told, as much as I never would've done this in the past, talking about him to someone else did help me feel a little better. I climbed on my bed and looked through my phone. Something I hadn't done in the three months since the morning of the accident. My wallpaper made my heart swell. It was the last picture we had ever taken together. I could still feel his safe, protecting embrace around my frail little body, his face buried in my neck. I could almost smell his cologne. I remember how he would lay me down when it got late and forced me to be the little spoon to his ever dominant big spoon. I remember how-
During my reminiscing, I had been interrupted by an explosion of texts and calls from Reagan. And three from Kyle from the last day. I opened his first, figuring those would be harder to go through and Reagan's would lighten the moment. She had that gift.

Flannel Shirt (Ky): Hey babe. I called you a few times but no answer. You okay?
Flannel Shirt: Ah. Reagan just provided me with the possibility of your phone being dead, which is pretty logical considering you have a bad habit of not charging your phone.
Flannel Shirt: Nonetheless, in case you read this, I will arrive to thy castle to retrieve my princess in 10 minutes. Love you. See you soon.

Tears stung my eyes. I missed our dorky pet names for each other. While his wasn't exactly cutesy, there was a story behind it so that was better than just "babe" or "Kyle" or "boyfriend" or anything generic like that.
Time to move on to Reagan's bazillion messages.
Regaloo: HEY!
Regaloo: Listen loser
Regaloo: I would really appreciate if you could keep a charge to your phone.
Regaloo: your whipped boyfriend and I should be there soon.
Regaloo: Try not to dress up today, huh? I don't need to watch him drool over you all day *gag*
Regaloo: Seriously. His eyes like.. Pop out of his head. It's really gross.
Regaloo: Come Outside

Last month

Regaloo: Brooke.. I know this has been so hard for you. Please come see me.
Regaloo: I'm so sorry about what happened.
Regaloo: I hate to crap on your parade even more, but I'm in the hospital again.

What? My heart sunk.

Regaloo: I haven't seen you since Ky's funeral and I figured we both need each other right now.

Two weeks ago.

Regaloo: I miss you Brooke.
Regaloo: Please answer. I need to know that you're okay.
Regaloo: Just got off the phone with Chad. He said you're looking like hell.

Two days ago.

Regaloo: Mt. Prospect hospital. Room 306.
Regaloo: Hello?

That was the end of the messages. All the other ones were condolences. Checking Facebook was even worse... Everything prove messaging me and writing apologies on my wall... On Kyle's wall.
I needed to get out. To take a walk.
I knew exactly where I was going.
Mt. Prospect hospital, here I come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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