Part 3

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I remember the first day I met him.

I collided with Kyle within the first couple weeks of Sophomore year when I was rushing to class. I was struggling to get to class on time enough as it was- Kellin always made me late and I started to develop a bit of a reputation amongst the teachers. Kellin stopped me at my locker. "Hey bitchhh, so. Here's what we're doing this weekend. Wear something nice and pay close attention...." I rolled my eyes and zoned out. I hated when he called me that. I was no one's "bitch" and certainly not his. Despite the many, many times I explained this to him, he still called me it. He was still yammering on so I interrupted him. "Okay, uh huh. I have to go, I'm gonna be late because of you. Again." he scoffed. "Fuck this place, when we get married you're not going to school anyway. You're staying home and taking care of the kids." I raised an eyebrow at him, but I didn't have time to argue. I just walked away, ignoring his yells for my attention. I only had a minute and a half left to get all the way to the other side of the building. Not wanting to get written up again, I began running when suddenly everything went black. I had fallen, and my things went sprawling everywhere. "Ugh, what the hell man." I got on all fours and started picking up my things. "Oh my god. I'm sorry. Here, I'll help you." he said. I looked up to meet the mysterious boy and was absolutely blown away. I opened my mouth to speak- but nothing came out. "H-Here's your notebook." He studdered. He handed it to me and his hand brushed against mine. The moment we made physical contact, I felt this.... Rush. It's the most cliche expression in the book, but there really is NO other way to describe it. He must've felt it too because at the same moment, his sterling-ice eyes met mine; eyes so deep I felt like I was drowning. He had me lost in those eyes for so long I felt as though I knew all of his secrets and troubles and hopes and dreams. I felt like I knew every aspect's of this stranger's life. I needed to say something... anything. I needed to know my name. I attempted to speak again when I was shut down by a harse voice that pulled out of my daydreaming. "Brooke!" Kellin scolded. "The fuck are you doing? I thought you were going to class you lying ass bitch." I knew he was pissed. "I- I was. I just ran into him and my stuff went everywhere. He was just helping me get my stuff.." I explained "Yeah, bullshit. get your ass up and stop being a god-damn klutz. You're coming with me now." I obeyed, not wanting to be embarrassed any further in front of this amazing boy.. Man?, and grabbed the rest of my things. He looked at the boy. "And you, watch where you're going, stupidass. If you were to have ruin my girlfriend's face, I would've kicked your ass. Don't let it happen again." the boy rolled his eyes, clearly not giving a second thought to what he said, gave me a half wave, and left.

I knew Kellin was my boyfriend, but I couldn't shake what i felt with this stranger. Once we got into the car, Kellin was going on and on and on about how much of a cheat I was and how I needed to stop being such a slut. Eventually I decided that it was starting to become detriment to my mental health and might be better to just tune him out. I started to put my things in my backpack when I came across a notebook that wasn't mine. I opened it, puzzled and read the name to myself: Kyle Gallner.

I smiled to myself.

Kyle Gallner....

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