Part 2

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Hey! I know it's been a reallllyyy long time since my last one, but honestly high school has had me so ridiculously busy. Buttttttttttttttt here you go(: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING & COMMENTING. IT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME <3 Stay Beautiful(:



She's a wreck. My poor little sister. She's dealt with more grief in about 10 years or so than anyone in an entire lifetime.

I remember six years ago when we lost mom. We lived next door to her best friend ever- Reagan. They had a system, something of both convience and comfort. If something went wrong, they needed to be the first to get to one another. With that being said, they had built a bridge with a ladder that extended from one room to the other. They had cans with wires connected to the sides of the house that was used to talk late at night when they knew they were expected to be asleep for school. When push came to shove, they were there for one another in a heartbeat.

One night, however, all of that changed. Men with sunken eyes, solemn looks, blue uniforms, and a badge came to knock on the door and deliever heart breaking news- Our mother was hit by a drunk driver and killed instantly upon impact. It was the first time Brooke had ever broken down. She was devastated. She had felt responsible for an accident that she had no part in. Earlier in the day, she had come home with straight A's. It was the first time ever and our mom was so proud. She had insisted on buying a cake and having a mini celebration, Brooke being Brooke (who loved Tres Leches Cake) had been estatic at the offer. It was maybe an hour or so later that she was hit by another, slightly bigger car, lost control, and crashed. Brooke blaimed herself. She thought that maybe had she turned down the offer, mom would've still been there. But I knew better. even if Broooke had told her no, mom still would've bought it anyway. She would've done anything for her kids.

Brooke. Shut. down.

Later that night, I heard the loudest crash and boom I've ever heard in my life. I ran to the room as fast as I could to check what had happened when I saw Brooke laying face down on the bed; the latter laid sadly on the grass below. The wire phone lines were cut, too. Her posters were torn down and everything in the room was either broken or pushed onto the floor. Glass littered the room like stars in the sky. After cleaning up and comforting my broken little sister, I walked out of the room when i realized what was happening- Brooke was isolating herself from everyone. That summer she barely ever left her room, as she had everything she really needed in her room. She built herself a prison out of her own false guilt. I was 18, so Brooke was realeased to me and I took on the roll as her guardian. Because I was still going to college and working my ass off to keep her in the house, I wasn't around a lot. I feel regretful now. I should have been there.
To top everything off, I couldn't afford our home. The last thing I had wanted for her was for us to move, but eventually morgage became overwhelmingly expensive for a freshman in college and it was time to go. I knew she was star fallen about having to move, but I had done everything I could. I figured even though we were moving, at least it would help us move on a little. There were so many memories in this house...

I was right. A few months passed and soon enough we were able to hear our mother's name without breaking down in tears. Lauren Mckenzie. It was a name that reminded us of love, guidance, and domesticity. Everything that she was. My little Brookie was smiling again. It was a good thing. As for Reagan, she basically lived with us because she was always over. I managed to buy a fixer- upper down the block, so the Twin's could still be close to eachother. Things were going good for a couple years....

But then, Brooke met Kellin and things got really bad, reeally fast...

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