Inside these walls

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I was running down a seemingly endless corridor. The death of my sister had left my reckless but did I really have to be breaking into every abandoned building? Oh well what's done is done.
It had been late at night when It first entered the corridor. The first thing I heard was the door slamming shut and the sound of a lock turning. Well great. All the lights flickered and turned off. The feeling of drowsiness suddenly occurred and I fell to the ground. I remember nothing else before I woke up in this corridor.
Anyway back to present. I kept running further and further down the corridor , the darkness enveloping the walls behind me. Then I realised something. The door at the end was getting closer not further away! Finally this could be my freedom. But no. Fate just seems to be pilling on the hate this week. As I neared the door I could hear the sound of a child crying. I didn't want to open the door. It was obvious that whatever creepy thing that was inside these doors wanted my dead. But a strange force was pulling me to the door handle forcing me to turn it and walk inside. And there's the sound of the door slam and lock turn again. Great.
At first I couldn't see anything but then the light turned on. Bodies piled high against the walls. Blood was everywhere. But the most horrifying thing was yet to come. Just a few feet way, sitting on a body was the child. He slowly lifted is head. I wanted to run and scream but I couldn't. I was frozen in shock and terror.
The child opened it's blood red eyes.

The ghosts of my mindDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora