The shadow people

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Imagine a cold autumn night alone in a creaky old mansion with the rain lashing and the shutters blowing against the windows. Set in the Victorian times.

It was a cold night in mid October. I was walking down the hall of my Grandmothers house. She had left it to me in her will along with all the furniture. I had done the house up and readied it for selling as I already had a house but whenever anyone came round to see it they would walk out of the door with a scared look on their faces and I would never hear from the again. Yes the house could be seen as a bit creepy but I'd always put the fleeting glimpses of shadows across the walls and ceilings and footsteps on the stairs to my vivid imagination. I didn't believe in ghosts. Never seen one so I had no reason to.

Anyway this particular night I was walking through the halls blowing out the gas lamps so the house wouldn't catch alight. As I neared the last one I heard a child's laughter and a shadow flickered around the room. I was a little scared now because the sound is often associated with a darker force trying to lure you in but, as I said before I don't believe in ghosts so I lit a candle from the remaining lamp so I could see the way to my room and left.

I took a deep breath and stepped out of the room onto the cold hard landing floor. I heard the laugh again this time it came from multiple directions and seemed to be in a mocking,less innocent tone. Shadows flittered all around me. The walls looked to be closing in. Then, right in front of me, the shadowy figure of a person materialised in front of me. I couldn't take it any more. I ran full pelt to the oak doors and tried to open them only to remember I had locked it minutes before. As I turned to grab the key I saw I was surrounded by the same shadowy figures from before. I closed my eyes fearing the worst. But only felt a slight pain. When I opened them I was standing in a field and my Grandma was beside me. She smiled her warm smile and greeted me me with a 'hello dear'. But her warm bright smile soon turned into a more menacing one and her figure was over come by a shadowy form. It grinned at me. The field turned into red flames. 'Welcome to your worst nightmare'

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