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The dark room began to tighten in as the clear drops of liquid crystals ran down my pale soft cheeks. The fear became known as my body rushed over me. My mind emptied as my own air was suffocating me. My own mind wondered as its befuddled self ran through every possibility of something wrong happening..

I closed my drowning eyes as I let my body settle. I turned to shivers as I couldn't help but think about my family. My mind flashed over to images of the beauty of my life . Lilliana who only lived the youth of a young woman at only the age of seven being challenged and sent to be tortured and put away in a caged room. The sound of her name and the thought of her sweet and frail face put my body to ease. She meant the world to me yet now the little princess, the lovely young gorgeous woman out of my hands only to be held off into the dark side. To know that I caused all of this turned my mind and body back to shock. I became lost in the moment not realizing where I was . I had to turn away from the thought of Lilliana and to shun her name and face away. I had to wake up from that world. I began to shiver once more. The room becoming only an inch wider and longer than my full body closing in again but now even tighter. The echoing sound of my breathe leaving my ears to only want silence. I shut my eyes took a deep breathe and opened up once more, releasing the pain and fear away.

That's when I saw the glowing glare travel before my eyes. There was an opening on the door that showed the natural light from the outside. It appeared more and more as the hole became wider growing into something large. My mind wondered off once more, confused and frightened.

It came back to reality as the sound of a loud thud turned my eyes to its attention. There at the hole on the door, an object dropped. From the light I could tell it was large and squared . As I went to take hold of the object, the light allowed me to see what I couldn't. My arm. There it was .. Not how I remembered it. There was scars of deep wounds that pierced my skin. Dried blood that tried to glide their way down my pale, frail, shaking arm. Then, the light was gone.

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