Chapter 2.

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The damp air glides past me as I stand a lone in the cold world. I hear the voice of an angel scream the word mom as I stare in the distance of the echoing call. I lick my lips and call back the name of the little heart warming doll.

"Lilliana !" I spit out as I begin to realize how the time has past. The five year old girl who was only about seven months old from the last time I remembered is standing out in the distance waving to me with the small frail hand that fits gently into mine.

The school the towers over and reads, 'peddle's Elementary school' begins to overwhelm my mind. If the time so far has already flew by, how fast will the rest go?

The petite body dashes towards me, cutting through the wind. I crouch down as I lift her body sending both of us up. I twirl around letting our bodies make another memory of her childhood.

As we pace the streets that stare glooming at my face, I notice the dampness that flutters through the air. It's quiet and grey.

There is a presence in the air the whispers that something awful will happen. I hold the hand that lays in mine tighter and tighter trying my best to show that I will never let her go.

As we walk to the door of the beige two story house with four windows that stare in our direction, a small note is plastered there waiting to be read.

My heart twitches at the beat as I feel a stumble through out my body. A feeling of emptiness takes over as a gulp runs down my throat.

My eyes flick as the words I read splatter out of my mouth with no direction or understanding.

"Eviction notice ; you need to be out by the end of the month."

I take a deep breath waiting to wake up from a night mare. My daughter stands down starring up with a blank confused look. I can't help but tell myself how terrible I've been. I didn't try hard enough.

A cold wet tear drop slips down my cheek as I crouch down. I look into the eyes that glisten in my direction.

"Honey," I lift my hand to wipe away the glossy liquid that slides down my face. "You and mommy are gonna be moving, is that okay?"

The small round eyes of the beautiful child stares deep into mine. She waits a minute before she responds.

"As long as I'm still with you mommy."

The words make my stomach turn to a media full of monarchs and ladybugs pouncing around.

I push open the long dark wooden door that glared in my presence. As I glance around the old room that smells of a flowery spring thanks to the glade plug in that my aunt Susan bought me as a house warming gift three years ago.

I thought back to all the memories that filled every empty space that floating through the air.

A tear slipped over me. I just thought about what would happen to the little princess that held my hand only two minutes ago . I looked into her direction and started to remember everything from the day that the small petite body was born .

I whispered as I walked over and I push a long dangling piece of brown silky hair over her ear, "I will never let anything happen to you."


I apologize for taking so long to update. I had school and many things going on. Please vote and please comment if I should keep going with this . Thank you

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2013 ⏰

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