Chapter One: Mystery

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One case had the legendary detective L stumped. Really. Over a hundred people simultaneously dying of heart attacks? It couldn't be a coincidence. Someone in the world had the power to kill people with heart attacks, and they had to be stopped at all costs.

This is why L knew he had to take action. This monstrous crime of mass murder has been recorded as the most in history. And that was bad. "Watari." He instructed the person on the other end of the call. With a simple click of a button, he had contacted his assistant. "Link me up to Interpol's meeting scheduled for today."

Watari gave an affirmative nod before ending the call. Unlike L, he was out and about in the real world, not shut up in a building. His job was to alert L if something strange happened, or to run errands if need be. This was one of those days. He knew he was risking his life, since he was not wearing his normal Watari attire, but he would look really suspicious if he did while going shopping. That being said, he wore a black suit with a black hat, walking down the aisles as he grabbed what he needed and set them in his basket.

Once he was done shopping, Watari got into his car, pulling out his cell phone. It was ringing, 'UNKNOWN NUMBER' displayed on the screen. How strange. Nobody ever called him. He didn't even know why he still had a mobile phone. It was of no use to him. After hesitating slightly, the older man answered the phone. "Hello?"

"I need to speak with L." The voice on the other end said, seeming nervous. It was strange. The caller had a voice modifier so it sounded like L for a moment. But Watari knew that L would never contact him like this.

"May I ask who this is?" The older man said, frowning to himself. Something wasn't right here.

"It's A."

Watari froze. A. One of the girls from Wammy's House that killed herself. Or so he thought. "A? You're supposed to be-"

"Dead. I know. Don't ask me how, because I don't know either." A spoke, sounding genuinely confused, even with the filter on.

Watari didn't know what to do. What should he do? Could it be possible that A was alive? Or was this all just a trap? "Hold on. I'll transfer you." Without another word, for he could barely manage to speak at all in the first place, Watari sent the call over to the detective.

L lifted his head in interest when his computer beeped. He clicked a few buttons, turning the voice modifier on as always. "Watari? What is it?"

"It's A. We need to talk."

L froze, shocked and fearful. "A...?" Was this a dream? Or did she really not die like everyone thought. Without thinking, he made an internet search for A's death certificate. Truth be told, it was there, her date of death just over two years ago.

"No need to search for me, L." A said with a slight laugh. She knew him too well. "I've already done it."

"But how?" Was all L could get out, though he had no doubt a million questions to be answered at that moment.

"Beats me. All I know is that I woke up in the woods. No memory at all. Then as the days passed, I began to remember things. Wammy's. Who I was. My friends. Just lots of things. Some things I don't remember seeing before."

"Like what?" L said, concerned. This was a huge discovery. The girl who was first in line to be his successor had killed herself, yet there she was speaking to him as if nothing had happened.

"I saw a boy... There were numbers floating above his head..." A began, seeming to pause to remember clearly. "And I believe his name was there too. Light Yagami. That was there above the numbers."

"What were the numbers?" L asked, trying to figure out a reason for this or to solve this problem A seemed to have.

"9, 3, 31, 26, 3, 9." A recited, and L could picture her scrunching her nose up as she thought hard.

L frowned. Those numbers had no possible connections. "Anything else you remember? Any little detail?"

"There was a monster standing next to the boy... next to Light Yagami." A paused. "I can hear him calling it a Shinigami."

L was utterly speechless for the second time that day. Shinigami? Did they really truly exist? That would explain Kira's message... 'L do you know gods of death love apples?' L put a thumb to his mouth, thinking.

"Well? Say something!" A pulled him out of his thoughts.

"I think we need to meet."

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