338 20 11

badlukebro; do you ever feel like you don't belong in the world

badlukebro; and that everyone would be happier if you didn't exist

badlukebro; because right now I feel like not being here would be better for everyone you know??

takingthemikey; lukey....

badlukebro; because everything is shit

badlukebro; my life is shit, my ex boyfriend is shit, my personality is shit, my face is shit I am just shit

badlukebro; and I swear I cannot bring myself to wake up some mornings because it feels like hell

badlukebro; and its not even like im not trying you know?? I wake up sad and I go to sleep sad but I try to be happy

badlukebro; but instead no everyone hates me

takingthemikey; luke baby I don't hate you okay????

badlukebro; and you know I stopped taking my meds because I shouldn't be relying on drugs to give me false happiness I want true fucking happiness mikey

badlukebro; but it's like im trying to be happy and the world is just like yeah no can't happen sorry

badlukebro; and I am done even trying?? im done even bothering anymore bc it hurts too much to care

badlukebro; and if I wasn't here the world could be happy and I wouldn't bother anyone

takingthemikey; hey luke, I love you yeah???

badlukebro; I just, I don't want to do something i'm going to regret, I can't go back there not again

takingthemikey; right luke, can you do something for me? can you go outside of wherever the fuck you live and put your hands on the back of your head,,

badlukebro; okk

takingthemikey; okay can you now close your eyes (finish reading this first) or look up to the sky or something and breathe in for 4 seconds, breathe out for 8, just to calm yourself down. and then think of everything that makes you happy like how you have meee (jks I probs don't make u happy lmao) or music or anything okay? also before I forget put in some headphones and listen to your favourite songs and when you feel calmer or better come back inside, tuck yourself in bed with a glass of water and then close your eyes and fall asleep

badlukebro; ok

takingthemikey; and message me if you need me okay lukey??

badlukebro; ly

takingthemikey; lyt x

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