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badlukebro; his funeral was today mikey

badlukebro; he looked so pale and lifeless god its all my fault that should be me not him

badlukebro; and i read hia suicide note

badlukebro; all he said was sorry sorry sorry to me mike, he was apologising to me when i was the one who fell in love with someone else

takingthemikey; luke he's the one who broke up with you???

badlukebro; bc all i talked about was you and i only ever spoke to you and fuck he didnt want to be with me because he wanted me to be with you

badlukebro; and i miss him and i want him back

badlukebro; i want him here mikey god i miss him

badlukebro; i want to be with him again and i want to love him again and i want us to be happy again

takingthemikey; oh

badlukebro; i miss him so much?? like i was happier with him?? i was okay with him

takingthemikey; do i not make you happy??

badlukebro; i feel so empty and so nothing anymore its actually sinking in and it feels like someones poke a small hole in a vein in my heart with tweezers and im bleeding out slowly but fucking painfully

badlukebro; im never going to be happy again no ones ever going to love me are they

takingthemikey; whatever luke cya

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