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takingthemikey; lukey pookey kooky fluky, why are you so freaking spooky

badlukebro; mikey spiky go put on your nikey(s)

takingthemikey; luke puke such a fluke, go and talk to the duke

badlukebro; mike bike such a hike, go sit on a rlly sharp spike

takingthemikey; ouch a spike???

badlukebro; it rHYMES DOESN'T IT?????

takingthemikey; yeah yeah,,, btw are you feeling better??

badlukebro; I do kinda, just abit regretful tbf

takingthemikey; it's gonna be okay lukey

badlukebro; I know :-)

takingthemikey; <33

takingthemikey; luke theres thunder and it's scsring me :((((

badlukebro; bby :(

badlukebro; pretend im there and im hugging you and im singing to you and we're covered in blankets and making out.

badlukebro; oh wait you told me not to do that sorry,,

takingthemikey; hey luke

badlukebro; yeah?

takingthemikey; are you Gillette? because you're the best a man can get...


takingthemikey; I love you sooo much

takingthemikey; you can say all the pet names and making out shit you want now

takingthemikey; because god I missed it so much, and i forgive you okay i do

badlukebro; god I love you sooooo much cupcake

takingthemikey; and I love you sooo much too pookey

badlukebro; im going to sleep i'll see ya tomorrow

badlukebro; oh and thank you for everything, I have the biggest smile rn

takingthemikey; im glad x

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