Shawn - Touring Trouble

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I've been feeling very shawn-ish lately, so here's another Shawn story!


Y/N: Shawn, we need to talk

S: What about? xx

Y/N: This whole tour thing, I don't know If It's working out.

S: Why do you say that, princess?

Y/N: I just, don't

S: I'm confused. Is this like your way of breaking up with me?

Y/N: NO! It's just that, I feel like you've been away for too long

S: Baby, what do you mean? I've only been on tour for 5 months! I'm living my dream and putting food on the table! :D

Y/N: Shawn, of course I'm thankful and all for this opportunity, but you've just been away for a while. You do remember that you have a girlfriend and a daughter, and It's not always about 'living the dream' It's also about being there for your family.

S: Ok,This is just ridiculous, Y/N. You're coming at me because I'm doing my job and making money for my family? I won't be able to be there If we're homeless and have no food, Y/N! It's not just that simple! 

Y/N: It's not just that Shawn! Your daughter misses you too!

S: What does she know Y/N? She's only one for christ sakes!

Y/N: Oh yeah, you wanna know what happened the other night?

S: What!?

Y/N: Brooklyn said her first word

Y/N: And you wanna know what It was Shawn?

S: Candy? Book? Any other simple words that most babies already know?




S: Wow, I can't believe I missed that.. 

S: I'm so sorry Y/N

Y/N: You should be! Every night for almost three weeks now, she hasn't fallen asleep

Y/N: She waits In her crib for you to kiss her goodnight, Shawn, saying 'daddy' over and over again!

Y/N: She misses you like crazy!

S: Y/N, I am soo sorry. I didn't know how much this effected you and Brooky...

Y/N: It does Shawn! And I just miss you. You aren't there to hold me and wipe my tears when I'm sad. You aren't there to cuddle me when I watch Nextflix. You aren't there to kiss my forehead and talk about how much you love me when I wake up In the morning.

Y/N: And It's the same with Brooke. You aren't there to sing to her and kiss her goodnight. You aren't there to play peak-a-boo with her and watch her eyes light up. You aren't there to watch her grow up Shawn.

Y/N: And we just miss you. We want you back home so you can love us again.

S: Bby, I will always love you. To the moon and back. There has NEVER been a time where I have stopped loving you. I love you

S: And I promise that as SOON as I get back from tour, I will spend the first MONTH with you and Brooklyn. How does that sound, baby girl?

Y/N: It sounds like I hope you get home soon.

A/N: You don't understand at how many times I laughed at the 'daddies' In this chapter lmao


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