Jack J - Baby Girl

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Ok so this one Is for KatrinaHood1996 !

Your plot was kind of hard to write since you can't really sing In a text, so I'll try my best !

Enjoy !

J: Baby Girlsssss

K: Jack, shouldn't you be practicing ? You have a show In ten minutes !

J: Yea, but I couldn't resist texting my girls

K: *girl. Your daughter Is napping, honey

J: Katrina ! It's 3 am ! Why Is she sleeping so early ? I wanted to see her !

K: Well, If you didn't know, she woke me up four times last night, didn't wanna eat her breakfast, whined for a whole hour, and refused to do tummy time.

K: I tried taking her over to Madison's so she could play with Cole, but she hit him In the head with a block, so I had to take her home.

K: It took me half an hour to get her down for a nap, and I just may be more cranky than her at this point.

J: Sounds like a tough day, so sorry to hear that. Hopefully, Kaitlyn will be back to normal by the time she wakes up. I just wish I was there to help you

K: No Jack. You keep doing what you do. I think Kait has grown to like you a lot, I still need to get used to this whole "mommy" situation

J: Aw, you really think she likes me ?

K: Jacky, you're her dad. She loves you.

J: Aw, I love her so much. Wait, did you just call me Jacky?

K: Ummm

J: You DID !

K: Ughh, not this again

J: Jacky Jacky Jacky !

K: Jaaccckk

J: Ok I'll stop. But you have to say, 'I love you Jacky'

K: I love you Jacky

J: Good , because I love both of you. You're my baby girls.

Don't know how I feel about this

Comment down below what you think

Next one Is Jack G ! :D

Magcon ! TextsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora