Chapter 37

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Heleyna's POV

I wake up and realize that it's still dark outside. I roll over and check the time. 3:12 a.m. Ugh in hungry. I get gout of bed and head over to my luggage. I take out my black converse and slip them on. I tie my hair in a messy pony tail and I grab my phone and key and slowly open my room door only letting off a few creaks. I turn back to see if Rita or Danielle woke up. Luckily they didn't.

I peak my head through the door way and see the hallway completely empty. I let out a breathe and close the door. I walk to the elevator and press the down button and wait for the elevator doors open. Once they did, I see Taylor and some girl next to her. She had black hair and dark brown eyes.

"Oh look who it is." Taylor says.

"Who is she exactly?" The girl asks.

"The girl I was telling you about." Taylor says. The girl tilts her head to the side in confusion.

"The girl who is trying to take Hayes away from me. God Becky do you ever listen to me?" Taylor says getting annoyed.

"Oh god why does every one of Hayes' girlfriends think I'm taking him away from them?" I ask looking up at the ceiling.

"Because, he can't stop talking about you. It's actually really annoying. So do me a favor, stay away from him." Taylor says.

"What do you think I've been trying to do. It's not my fault that guy is so bipolar. At one point he hates me then the next thing you know he is worried about me hanging out with my idols." I complain. I then feel some pain in my jaw. I turn to see Becky's fists clenched. Did this bitch seriously punch me.

"Excuse me, I don't remember doing anything to do." I say to Becky.

"She just thought it was necessary, and it was." Taylor says pushing her weight on her right leg an crossing her arms.

"THAT'S IT! IM SICK AND TIRED OF YOU BITCHES THINKING YOU COULD MESS AROUND WITH ME AND THINK I WONT FIGHT BACK! YOU WANT A FIGHT? COME AT ME YOU ASSHOLES!" I scream. They both get into their stances and surround me. I have to admit I was pretty damn scared, but just remember what joe told you and you'll be fine. (Every time you see words in italics, that's joe's voice ringing through her head so it might get confusing)

I see Becky throwing a kick at me.

Remember, if your opponent is trying to kick your side. Grab their leg and push them away.

As I hear Joe's voice I do as told. I grab Becky's leg and push her against the wall. I turn and see Taylor throwing a punch at me.

When getting punched, duck and jab twice. One in the stomach and one in the jaw.

I nod my head and duck having her miss the punch. I punch her in the stomach and as she groans I punch her in the jaw causing her to flinch back a little but not enough. Soon they both come charging towards me.

When surrounded, grab one by the arm and flip them onto the other opponent. That should take them both down.

I look towards Becky and have her throw an punch. She manages to get my eye and have ms lose balance a little but I regain my balance. I grab Becky by the arm and pull her over my back causing her to flip over onto Taylor and they both fall down.

Soon all six doors swing open and everyone runs out.

"OH MY HOD HELEYNA YOUR LIP IS BLEEDING!" Danielle yells running back in the room.

"And your forming a black eye!" Rita gasps running after Danielle.

"WHAT HAPPENED HERE?" Matt yells helping Becky and Taylor up.

"Your cousin that's what." Taylor says innocently. "Me and Becky where walking back to Becky's room when all of a sudden Heleyna jumped out of no where and told me to stay away from Hayes and started throwing punches at us." She says starting go fake cry on Matt's shoulder. All of a sudden another door swings open and I see Charlie and Leondre standing there.

"HELEYNA!" Leondre yells runing towards me.

"First you try to make me jealous by hanging out with those losers." Hayes says pointing at Charlie and Leondre. "THEN YOU BEAT UP MY GIRLFRIEND!" He yells.

"THEY ARE NOT LOSERS! THEY ARE AMAZING PEOPLE. THEY GO AROUND HELPING GIRLS WITH AXIETY AND THAT ARE BULLIED! I HAVENT SEEN YOU DO SHIT! AND DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THAT IM THE ONE WITH THE BUSTED FACE AND THEY ARE COMPLETELY CLEAN! SO WHAT DID I DO? BEAT MYSELF UP??? ONLY A RETARD LIKE YOU WOULD DO THAT!!!!" I scream causing some people to flinch back in fear. I have never yelled that loud in m life. As everyone was left speechless Danielle and Rita come back with an ice pack and some very small band aids and cotton balls.

"Wanna come into our room to calm down?" Charlie asks as Danielle finished cleaning my cut.

"Sure." I say with my voice cracking a bit, wow I really wore out my voice. I take the ice pack out of Rita's hands and hug her along with Danielle.

"Seriously, and you said I'm the dumb one. You're going to stay in a room with people you just met." Hayes says.

"You know what Hayes? Fuck. You." I say and flip him off as I walk into Leo and Charlie's room and close the door.

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