The Intimacy

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Once Elsa had knocked on Hans' bedroom door and he had let her in, they sat on a love seat in his room.

"Hans, what are we going to do?" Elsa finally said. She could see the worry in his eyes.

"I don't know, Elsa. Maybe we should just stay away from each other. My family doesn't want me near you. They'd kill me if they knew you were in here."

She smelled alcohol on his breath.

"Hans, please don't drink." She said, noticing tears forming in his and her eyes.

"Elsa, we can't be together. It's just how it is. I need a bit of a drink to get over that fact alone, and a lot more to get over you."

His hands were on her hips again.

Elsa then did something she never thought she was capable of doing.

She straddled him.

Hans' eyes widened.

"Elsa....." His voice trailed off.

"Hans, I love you." She said. "I want to be with you. I don't care what they say."

Her hands were on his face, and his were on her waist.

"I love you so much-" Elsa then heard footsteps out side of the door, but brushed them off.

She then kissed him.

This grew very quickly into an extremely passionate kiss, her hands now gripping his face, and his were gripping her waist.

She wanted to do this.

For him.

To show him she loved him.

And needed him.

"I love you too, Elsa. We need to run away together." Hans said and he kissed her neck, and then her lips again.

And Elsa thought about that, running away from everything with Hans. No more duties, fears- and no more Anna.

And she couldn't live without Anna.

She decided to put the idea aside and live in the moment.

Their tongues then began to collide gently with each other, as each kiss grew longer.

Hans' hands then began to move, traveling around her body.

It felt so passionate.

But Elsa knew she couldn't go further.

She then broke the kiss.

"Hans, I love you, but I can't go any further..."

"Of course." He said with a weak smile. "My mistake, my dear. Please, think about what I've said."

He then walked her to her room, and she did think about it.

This was going to be a tough decision.

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