The Evening

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Chapter 8| The Evening

On their way to the restaurant, Elsa couldn't help feeling a bit of happiness surge through her heart.

It was because there was a person out there who was also alone. Just like her. It seemed to her that that was why Hans had gravitated towards her so quickly.

"Here we are." He said cheerfully. It was a nice place, built of stone to represent a olden time castle. They sat in chairs with velvet cushions, and their water was brought to them in golden goblets.

"So," Elsa said taking a sip of her water; "how have you er, been lately?" 'Goodness!' She thought, 'I am not very conversable today!'

Hans laughed. "You don't have to be like this around me Elsa." He smiled. "I honestly just wanted to put the past behind us."

Elsa frowned. 'I do too,' she thought, 'but, I'm not sure if I can...'

"So," Hans said with a smile, "how are you liking the Southern Isles?"

Elsa didn't answer the question. She was too focused looking at Hans's eyes. She had begun to realize how beautiful they were. She was truly falling in love with him, though she didn't know it.

"Hans..." She said.


She hadn't realized she had said anything. This wasn't going well. She had only agreed to go tonight because he had apologized. She thought that maybe they could be friends.

No such thing.

"Elsa?" Hans asked. "Are you alright?"

"Yes." Elsa lied. "Of course. I'm just- um.... Tired."

Hans sat back in his chair. "Alright." He said as the waiter came to take their order.


After dinner they went for a walk.

"The bread that came with my dish was surprisingly delicious!" Elsa commented as they strolled down the pathway; "Who knew olive bread could be so flavourful?"

Hans laughed. "I thought you'd enjoy it." And he then looked at her.

She stopped walking. What should she do? Confess her love?

But it was all so fast. Nothing made sense to her.

She looked back at him. His eyes crinkled at the sides because he was smiling widely at her. She caught his glance shift to her lips, and his own parted slightly.

Elsa wondered if it would be so bad if she actually did just kiss him. It could maybe tell her if she loved him or not.

"Hans." She said stepping slightly closer to him.

"Elsa-" Hans stopped short. Elsa knew what had to come next. She grabbed his hand and led him to the same place where he had tried to kiss her before. "Elsa." He said again. "Tell me what's wrong."

He had sincere concern in his eyes, and that was how Elsa knew that he cared. She then put her hands on his shoulders and brought herself up to his height.

"Elsa...." Hans whispered for a third time.

And Elsa then kissed him.

She kissed him on the lips.

The man who had been responsible for letting her sister die and almost killing her, she was kissing.

When they let go, his face was stunned.

"Elsa." He said as a small smile came to his face.

And she smiled. "Well?" She said gently.

"I love you." He said, obviously sincerely."

Although it seemed fast, Elsa was elated. From now on, she would have someone! Hans! He loved her! It was all falling into place for Elsa. That is, until the couple walked through the front doors of the castle- where Hans brothers, mother and father were all waiting. The two quickly let go of each other's hands and walked up to the people staring at them.

"Your majesties." Elsa said as she curtsied.

"Hans, WHAT ON EARTH HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO?!" His mother screamed.

Hans, taken aback by this confrontation said casually; "I wanted to apologize to the queen for what happened the other night when I tried to er... Kiss her. So, I took her for dinner."

"We are so sorry." The King said to Elsa. "We are trying to control our son. He should not be with you."

Both Elsa and Hans frowned.

"From what he tried to do to you-" Adriel said; "-he shouldn't be around you for your safety Queen Elsa. He is surely- ill."

Elsa knew that Adriel was trying to inform her that Hans was a psychopathic person, out to destroy her.

But she loved him! And he loved her! Or.... Was it a trap?

"My lord and lady," Elsa finally said. "Your son has been nothing but kind to me since I've arrived." And Hans briefly smiled.

"Alright then." The Queen said. "But you should know that he could come back and repeat his actions." She started to walk away to her bedroom, when she stopped and turned; "I'm even afraid of him sometimes." And then left.

Elsa and Hans then went back to Elsa's room and sat at her desk. They kissed again. "I don't ever want to be away from you." Hans said. And Elsa wanted to believe him so much.

"Okay." She said and smiled. "But what about your parents-"

"They can't keep me away from you. They think that I'm going to hurt you but they're wrong. That's why they won't let me be with you."

"They're trying to protect me." Elsa said, astonished.

"And my own mother is afraid of me." Hans said, getting up. "I had better get to bed now." Hans said. He kissed her hand before he left.

"Goodnight." They said together.


That night, as Elsa tried to fall asleep, she had to think of one thing that nagged at her mind.

How would she explain her love for Hans to her sister?

((I am SO SORRY GUYS that I haven't updated!😭 but, you may be happy to know that I am hoping to release a new book and new chapters soon! Stay tuned.💙))

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