The Rage

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Chapter 10| The Rage

When Elsa awoke at about eight A.M., she saw that Hans was no longer beside her, but instead a boquet of blue flowers tied with a white ribbon. There was a note attached.
It read:

When I awoke beside you, my whole world changed. I am sorry for being angry with you last night, and hope you can forgive me. I truly want to be with you, love you, and cherish you. Please accept these flowers, and apology. There is something I need to speak with you about, but I have something to take care of this morning, so please, meet me in the courtyard at about twelve o'clock.


Elsa smiled as she read the letter. She are her breakfast of bread and apples and cider as she read a letter from her sister that had been delivered two days ago. Elsa just didn't have the time to read it.

Hey Elsa,
Hope things are well.
I've been a bit sick lately.
Morning sickness and whatnot.
I really miss you, and I hope you're coming home soon.
Three weeks is too long!
Just wanted to check up.
I have to go now, even writing something makes me tired.
Bye for now,

Elsa felt bad for her sister. She wrote a nice reply back, and left it for the servants to mail once she finished her breakfast.

She then put on a knee length dress to go for a walk around the courtyard to get some excersise, and to think of things to say to Hans.

Hans on the other hand was not having a good start to the day. He was at therapy.

"Hans, really. I don't like how much you talk to the queen." Doctor Marroll said to him. "It's not part of my idea to get you back on track for a healthy mind."

Hans rolled his eyes.

"Doctor Marroll, I have been a good citizen. I feel like a changed man. I enjoy spending my time with Queen Elsa, the way she speaks is very refreshing and interesting."

The doctor looked at him. "Your parents have chatted to me about this. They feel like you are harassing the queen. They want you to stay away."

Hans had now had enough. He slammed his fist down on the table so hard that the doctor's glass of water fell over. "You listen to ME now!" He screamed. "NOBODY is going to talk like that to me! I would never EVER hurt Elsa, and I am sick of people who say I can't be with her!"

He walked over to the window, and looked outside to calm down.

"She knows how it feels to be shut away. To be.... Locked up. Not treated right. Overlooked. Be seen as..... as a monster."

The psychologist just looked at him. "Hans. Come on. You are a criminal. A psychopath. She will never like you."

"And what if she did?" Hans asked, raising his voice again. "What if she DID?!"

"Hans, please-"

"I'M DONE!" Hans said walking to the door. "I'm going to find Elsa."
He then felt a forceful hand on his shoulder.

"I can't let you go to her." Said the doctor.

"I am meeting her in about ten minutes." Hans said, gritting his teeth. "Let me go."

*Nexr Chapter Soon!*

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