Chapter 3

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The moon was full and bright as Asha walked through the endless rows of crops. Her shoes were covered in dirt and with every step she took, a cloud of dust emerged. She had avoided the main road on account that too many cars would be able to see her. She instead opted for the dirt path that ran through the various properties. It was a quite night, the only sounds to be heard were the shuffling of Asha's feet and the rustling of her bag. That and the grumbling of her tummy. Asha hadn't eaten since breakfast and her body was starting to protest. Asha sighed. Once I get into town I'll find something to eat, thought Asha. She gave a longing look at all the fruit surrounding her. Then did a double take. There was fruit. Surrounding her. Dropping her bag unceremoniously on the ground Asha started to make her way off the dirt path.

"You know, one should not stray from the path," said a voice.

Eyes widening, Asha whipped her head towards the sound of the voice. Before her stood a man dressed in all black. Black loafers, black trousers, black overcoat, black hat. His bright green eyes contrasted with his shaggy copper hair. "Hello," said the man dressed in black, tipping his hat towards Asha.

Asha took a step back from the man. "Who are you?" she asked.

The man in black smiled and was about to speak when he suddenly stiffened. His eyes narrowed and looked past Asha. "Don't make a sound," he said.

It was then Asha heard the growls. Slowly turning around and peering into the darkness, Asha saw them. Two beasts, one as big as a wolf and the other at the size of a bull. Dark matted fur covered their rat-like bodies. Standing on four scaled feet these monsters had the wrinkled faces of a lion and the snout of a boar.

Reaching back into his overcoat the man in black pulled out a bladed staff. Not breaking eye contact with the monsters the man whispered, "Get behind me."

Asha took in a shaky breath and nodded. She took one step, and the bull sized one charged. Traveling at great speed the monster honed in on Asha. The beast leaped and opened its giant maw to bite off her head. It didn't make it though.

Opening her eyes (for Asha had crouched and covered her head in the attack) Asha was met with the beast's open mouth inches from her own face. Looking up she saw what had saved her. The man in black had the butt of his staff inside the monster's mouth, preventing the monster from biting down on Asha. Just as Asha was thanking all the gods in existence she was picked up from the back of her shirt and thrown aside by the man in black. Seconds later, the ground where Asha had stood was struck by the scorpion tail of the monster.

As Asha slid in the dirt, the black clad man withdrew his staff from the monster's mouth and thrust it into its left eye. The beast roared in pain and swung its tail at the man's feet, taking out his legs. The man fell to the ground and raised his staff with both hands as the monster snapped at his face, successfully stopping the monster's attack. With one powerful shove the man threw the beast off him and quickly got to his feet.

As the man fought with the first monster, the second was searching for Asha. Asha, sitting on the ground and rubbing her bruised rear (for she had landed quite hard on it) noticed the second monster a moment before it noticed her. As the smaller monster raced towards Asha, she hurried backwards on her hands and feet. Her right hand connected with the black trash bag holding her things. Grabbing it, Asha hurled the trash bag in the beast's direction. The monster stopped. Its beaded eyes glowed green and it opened its jaws, breathing fire at the bag and engulfing it in green flames.

"...what," said Asha, completely shocked. Flaming ashes rained down around the monster as its eyes connected with Asha's. Scrambling to her feet, Asha began to run away from the monster. Seeing its prey get away, the monster gave chase.

Asha's heart was racing and her legs were pumping. Glancing back, Asha could see that the beast was gaining on her. She couldn't outrun it, she was fighting a losing battle. Realizing her brawn wouldn't win this battle, Asha looked at her surroundings for anything that could aid her in her struggle. She spotted an irrigation well to the right, its shadow stretched out towards Asha's direction. Shadow. Sliding a bit in the dirt, Asha made a sharp right towards the well. Just as she did the beast leapt in the air and snapped its jaws, missing Asha by a hair. Landing, the beast skidded in the dirt for a few yard. These few yards gave Asha more precious time to create distance between the two. However, soon the beast was hot on her heels again.

Asha pumped her arms even faster. She could hear her heartbeat echoing in her ears. The well was twelve yards, ten. The beast was twenty yards, sixteen. Asha ran faster, she needed to get to the shadow. Eight yards, five. The monster snarled. Asha took a breath. The monster lunged. So did Asha. Straight into the well's shadow. 

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