Chapter 5

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Young Asha and Quiller were playing in the backyard. Between them a soccer ball was on the ground. Asha giggled and said "Kick it Quill!"

Angeline was sitting at the counter, reading a book by the title of Fowl. She was dressed in a white blouse and black skirt. Taking a sip of her tea Angeline was brought out of her peaceful sitting by the opening of the backyard door.

"MAMA! MAMA!" In came little Asha and Quill. Quiller was leading Asha by the shoulders. Asha's nose was pouring out blood. "Mama!" she sobbed.

"What happened?" asked Angeline, standing from her seat and hurrying towards her children.

"It was an accident! It was an accident!" said Quiller, "I kicked the ball and it hit her in the face!"

"It's okay sweetie, I believe you. Now go wash up and change your clothes, I'll handle it from here." said Angeline., kneeling in front of Asha.

"Okay," said Quill who left to go to the bathroom.

"Oh my little Asha," said Angeline.

"It hurts," whimpered Asha.

"My dear, I've think you've broken it!" Angeline exclaimed. "Let's get you in a better light," Directing her daughter into the light of the skylight, Angeline gently placed her thumb on Asha's nose. "Here, let mommy fix you up."

Slowly, Angeline's thumb glowed a yellow light. Sparks danced from her finger onto Asha's nose, healing it. Within moments the healing sparks finished their job, leaving no trace of the incident. "There you go my beautiful girl. Feel better?"

Little Asha nodded her head, tears still flowing out of her eyes.

"Let's get you cleaned up," said Angeline with a wink. Grabbing a paper towel and running it under the sink, Angeline sighed and said. "Oh my little Asha, you always seem to be getting into the most unfortunate situations."

It was at that moment Asha sneezed, splattering droplets of blood onto her mother's white blouse.

* * *

Asha's eyes fluttered open. She was laying facedown in the dirt. Turning around and propping herself up on her elbows, Asha was meet with a sharp pain in her chest. She fell back down on her back. Dazed, she found herself facing the night sky. Millions of starts filled her vision. For a moment, Asha was confused, why was she outside? "Why am I outside?" she murmured. Then she remembered, she had lost her soul. "I lost my soul" Asha whispered. She quickly sat up, flinching a bit at the pain in her breast. Her hands grabbed her chest. "I. lost. my. soul!" The memory of her mother's words echoed in her head. "You always seem to get into the most unfortunate situations." If only her mother could see her now.

A breeze blew by, and ash danced by Asha. Looking back, she noticed that the ashes were from the charred remains of her garbage bag. Asha's whole body sighed. So much for that. Asha's stomach growled, reminding her that she had yet to eat. Asha just closed her eyes- she didn't feel much like eating right now. She just felt like sleeping. She'd be like a dragon, and sleep for a hundred years. By the time she woke up all her problems would be fixed.

Asha opened her eyes and looked skywards. She wasn't a dragon. She couldn't sleep for a hundred years. In fact, the world might all be gone in the next three. Asha gazed at the stars, they twinkled back. What now?  "I guess I go into town and then figure out from there..." said Asha, answering her own question. Standing up and dusting herself off, Asha started a slow trek to town.


The first rays of sunlight made their way into the world as Asha walked.


By the time she got into town the sun was up and shining. It was time to face a new day.


It was time to face a new enemy.

The Soul of BrassOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora