Chapter 4

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There is a certain place that only shadow phases can visit. Dubbed "The Shadow World," it is thought by some scientists to be a parallel world similar to that of the spirit world. Since shadow phases can only enter the Shadow World for brief periods of time, we do not know much of this mysterious realm. A phase can stay in this shadow realm for as long as they can hold their breath. The world record holder for longest time in the Shadow World, Frenchman Jean Larue, describes what it feels like to be in the Shadow World:

"It's like walking on the moon. You feel almost weightless. Your head feels like it's underwater because sound is muffled. It looks like the real world except everything is in shades of white, grey, and black. Then, just as you get a feeling for everything you realize you have to breath and everything disappears."

-Excerpt from the text of ELEMENTALS, SEASONS, AND PHASES

Asha disappeared into the Shadow World just as the monster lunged at her. It crashed headfirst into the side of the well, fracturing both the well and its skull. The small beast dizzily stumbled about trying to shake off its concussion. The man in black walked up to the stumbling monster and stabbed the bladed side of his staff straight through the monster's skull. The beast collapsed to the ground, dead. The corpse of the monster slowly turned black, before turning into a cloud of ash.

As the man in black wiped his staff on his coat, Asha emerged from the Shadow World, gasping for air. The man whistled as he cleaned his weapon, not paying any mind to Asha, who was still trying to regain her breath.

"What was that," she finally asked.

Inspecting his staff, the man gave it a satisfied nod before turning to Asha. "Surely you must have studied those hideous creatures in school before. That my dear, was a Pecus Monstrum. Or Pesmons for short. Literally translated to 'beast monster.' Your scholars really know how to name 'em." The man gave Asha a grin. "Nice work with the shadow walking by the way- way to use that head of yours."

"Thank you," said Asha after a pause, "and thank you for saving my life."

"Don't thank me just yet," mumbled the man under his breath.

"What did you say," asked Asha.

"Jericho!" exclaimed the man dressed in black. Taking his hat off and bowing the man said, "you may call me Jericho."

"Asha. Thank you for saving my life Mr. Jeric-" Asha stopped mid sentence. On top of the man's head were two fox ears.

Hearing her pause, the fox-eared man looked up. Following Asha's line of sight he mumbled, "Oops, forgot about those," and gave Asha a sheepish smile. "Looks like the jig is up." Behind him, fox tails started to emerge. Two, five, seven tails in total. Before Asha's eyes Jericho transformed from a man in black to a seven tailed fox. Asha blinked. Then blinked again.

"You must be a spirit animal" she finally said. "Wait, you're a fox, that must make you a... what was it? A kit... kitube?"

"Gesundheit," said the fox. "Yes I'm from the spirit world and yes I am a fox. Now-"

"-What's the spirit world like?" interjected Asha.

"Those facts don't matter at the moment. I-"

"-Are there really spirits that can jump through time? Oh! How about-"

"-I'm here, because I am on a very important mission." Jericho said.

"Oh." said Asha, all questions about the spirit world dying in her throat. "Well what's your mission about?"

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