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Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling, I only own my own characters and plotline for my own story. Sorry if there are any mistakes! Contructive critisim is welcomed. :)

All her life, Elladore White hid from everyone. She never experienced love, for everyone she ever loved, died. Her mother- 12 years old. Father- 13 years old. Sister- 14 years old. Even her first dog, Skittles, got hit by a car when she was 5.

But Ella was also a witch. She was enrolled in Beauxbatons Acedemy of Magic just befor her mother died.

After everyone died, she lived in the house on her own, making money by mowing her neighbors' yards. That's how she lived every day of the summer since she was 14. Wake up, eat, work, eat, shower, sleep. During the school year she never spoke to anyone unless absolutely nesscessary, or formed a friendship of any sort. Just blew through her classes.

She was lonely.

Then one Sunday afternoon, the day she normally wood be running errands, an old man with a long beard and half moon glasses knocked on her door, and her whole life changed.


"Coming!" I yelled to the visitor knocking outside. I slipped on my flip flops and ran down the crooked stairs dressed in a plain light blue shirt with shorts, my brown hair pulled back into a pony tail, and my green eyes surprised. I didn't usually get visiors, when I did, it was just the mail man delivering a package.

She pulled open the door to see the man dressed in long emerald robes with an ugly, pointy hat upon his head. His eyes held a look mixed with kindness and.. Pity?

My head slightly tilted, almost like a confused puppy, I asked with a frown, "Um, hello sir.. Err, who are you exactly?" He was dressed like one of my professors at Beauxbatons, was he a wizard? No, that wasn't possible. Why would a wizard be here?

He ate buttcheeks (XD I Just realized my friend hacked my tablet my wrote that! I'm keeping it there, if you don't mind. Don't blame her, she knows nothing of our fandom)

The man smiled kindly, and offered his hand. I gingerly reached out and shook it. "My name," he began "Is Albus Dumbledore." Albus Dumbledore, where did I recognize that name? "And I'm the headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A school in which you have been enrolled.

The news struck me like a smack in the face. In school, one of my teachers mentioned something, something about enjoying my new studies. This was what he had meant? Dumbledore must've noticed my shock, for he motioned for me to sit down at the dining room table. He took the seat across from me, looking as if he expected me start.

Feeling as if I should respect this man, I spoke. "M-My name is Ella White.." He looked at me with kindness, I instantly liked this man, but I pushed away the feeling immediatly, knowing he may very well die if I formed a friendship with him.. that's just how my life works. You never really get used to it though..

"Yes, I have enrolled you in my school, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the reasons why are.. quite grave.." He trailed off. Alarmed, my eyes widened.

I built up my courage and spoke. "Err, Sir, if you don't mind me asking, what are the reasons?" I was getting steadily more nervous as I saw pity flit across his gaze once more, but he quickly masked it.

"Well, it's quite a confusing story.. But we'll start from the beginning. When you were born, you had twin brother. His name was Arthur. For reaons we don't understand, you and Arthur were tracked by the dark wizard, Voldemort. When he finally tracked your family down, he killed Arthur, but running out of precious time, he didn't manage to find you. You see, you were both hidden seperatly. When your brother was killed, and Voldemort couldn't find you, he set a curse upon you. The curse ensured that everyone you love, will die eventually, whether it be sooner, or later. The curse, strangly, doesn't work on animals though, the death of your dog was a mere coincidence. To this day the curse has continued haunting you. I took you out of Beauxbatons because, since you spent most of your life with those people, magic has connected you to people. And this is what kills them. And if you stay there much longer, more students will be killed."

I felt warm tears roll down my cheek. I had been crying. His words had ripped by heart apart. They were dead because of me. It's my fault my own family is dead. I very well killed them myself.

Murderer. A twisted version of my voice spoke in my head. Alarmed, I ignored the voice, deciding not mention it to Dumbledore.

Then the strings on my heart were pulled once more. Dumbledore had implied other students have been killed because of my curse. One name popped into my mind. The kid who had supossedly died over the summer in a car crash. Oscar. My eyes widened and I felt wet, hot tears pouring down once again.

Dumbledore must've noticed my acknowledgement. "Yes, Oscar Jones was killed by the curse. I'm moving you to Hogwarts for the rest of the school year to avoid more deaths." He sounded genuinely sorry, and I couldn't help but believe him. I shook my head, trying to convince myself that this was a dream that it was fake, that I didn't have to believe him, that I would wake from my afternoon nap, ready to continue work. But it never happened.

It was real.

"I-is there a way t-to break it?" I choked out, dreading his answer.

"Not that we've found, no.." He whispered. I choked out another sob.

"But, we're searching, and maybe soon, we'll find something, until then, you just have to avoid other students. I'm so sorry Elladore." Elladore. He called me by my real first name. I hadn't heard it in ages. It was what my older sister Jane used to call me to annoy me. Hearing the name again, made my heart ache and my knees tremble.

Your weak, pathetic. The voice from earlier spoke again. I once again ignored it.

Dumbledore continued speaking. "However, the curse has a single perk. It gives you the ability to turn into and speak to animals, the only thing that the curse doesn't affect. You can turn into a single animal, and speak with a single animal who will act as your guardian."

This news caught my attention, but the tears still didn't stop. I tried distracting myself by asking more. "Wh-what animal can I turn into?"

Dumbledore smiled and began speaking again. "Close your eyes, and think very hard on an animals' body. Their limbs, behavior, pelt.. Not a specific animal, just animals overall."

Doing as he said, I closed my eyes and began. When I opened them again, I found myself eye level with the table, red fur on my legs. I looked into the mirror Dumbledore held up in front of me, and I was positively surprised to see a red fox with striking green eyes sitting in my spot. I yelped happily, all troubles momentarily forgotten. I transformed back into myself when I saw Dumbledore looking like he was about to speak.

"You are considered an unregistered animagus. Not many people know of your condition, only myself and the Hogwarts staff. You musn't tell anyone of your curse. I have taken the liberty to get your school supplies, and I picked out an owl for you as well. I suppose you'd like to talk to her, as she will be your guardian."

In front of me, he placed a beautiful, speckled barn owl with violet eyes. A name I had always liked came to mind.

"Eucalyptus." I whispered. "That's her name."

It's beautiful, thanks Ellie! My eyes widened when I realized it was my owl speaking. I looked up to see Dumbledore smiling at me knowingly.

"Enjoy yourself, Ella. I'll see you on September 1st." And with that, he left me sitting there, jaw dropped, eyes wide, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

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