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No tears were shed. Dean was determined not to become what he had been a less than a year previous. He refused to become cliche and wail endlessly. He cried of course, later that day. But at the time, he was so numb, so confused, so heartbroken, that he had shed no tears.

He drove home from the hospital, told that he would later be directed on funeral procedures. He sighed as he realized he didn't need direction, he already knew exactly what would happen. Reaching his home, he looked at the food he had been making-Castiel's favorite, simple sandwiches-and threw them away. He set to work, calling people and informing them what had happened. He called all the wedding help: caterers, floral designers, cake makers, and told them the wedding was off, as his fiancee had passed away.

Everyone offered their condolences, which frustrated Dean to no end. Why would they say sorry? It wasn't their fault, it was his, and no amount of apologies would help anything. He had realized that when dealing with the aftermath of Sam's death, and the breakup that had occurred just after.

His fans, of course, were told what happened, and they were all heartbroken too. Dean knew that they were, not only for him (knowing how much they loved him and knew he was heartbroken) but also because they had thought that Cas and himself were very cute together, constantly "shipping" it.

The tour did continue to happen. Dean knew that he owed it to his fans, and he also decided to make it a tribute to the man he considered his husband. However, in every song that Castiel had sung in, he sang only his part, and let nobody fill in. If all there was in the song at some point was Cas, and no Dean, the room was silent, save for the music. No fan wanted to break it.

And on the last night, the very last day of the tour, Dean added a song. A song that no fan knew, because he had not shared it with anyone. He told the crowd, "This song is dedicated to Castiel. It's dedicated to Sam. It's dedicated to Gabe. And it's dedicated to any one of you, who has lost someone near and close to you. It is not your traditional song, but one to be sung with emotion. I hope you don't mind me sharing it with you."

I remember the way your smile

Would light up the room when you walked in

I remember the way your laugh seemed to shine

I remember the life you held

And how you had so many dreams for it

And I think back on the times we would both laugh and cry

I can see your face, always beautiful! I can

Hear your voice as it, says my name

And I can feel my heart ache and my

Mind will cry

But I just gotta remember the good times

I remember your footsteps walking round the house each day

I remember your beautiful eyes how they twinkle despite the gray of our lives

And I just wanna cry

I can see your face, always beautiful! I can

Hear your voice as it, says my name

And I can feel my heart ache and my

Mind will cry

But I just gotta remember the good times

And even though I will

Miss you every day and

I couldn't make you stay

I will love you to the heavens and back

My angel with your wings flying high

I can see your face, always beautiful! I can

Hear your voice as it, says my name

And I can feel my heart ache and my

Mind will cry

But I just gotta remember the good times

With my angel who flies high

Just gotta remember the good times let the bad ones slip my mind

And let the good ones


He finished singing, with tears in his eyes. Most of the crowd was crying too, some sobbing. Dean smiled one last time, tears running down his face, and waved to the crowd. Then he simply turned and walked off the stage.

The audience had never cheered louder for any concert than they had for this one.

And Dean felt proud of his decision. His decision to stay, his decision to keep it together as best as he could. And though he now felt terribly alone, he knew at least he had fans who truly loved him. He did everything he could for them.

He never did perform again. It truly was his last performance. Though he still wrote songs, another album of Dean Winchester's was never published. And yet he remained so well known in the business that many considered him still a part of it.

He never did marry either. And when he finally died, after living a long life, he was greeted by Castiel in his heaven-the real Castiel-who greeted him by saying, "Now you are my angel."

"Still as cheesy as ever I see."

"You know you love it."

"I do. And I love you so much."

Cas hugged Dean and whispered in his ear. "I loved your song."

"Now I'm going to be cheesy when I say thank you, my angel. How are the wings?"

*screams* AHHHH ITS OVER I CANT BELIEVE IT I FEEL SO ACCOMPLISHED!! Anyway I hope you liked it! Not as sad an ending buuuuut I felt like it needed fluff. I hope you enjoyed my fanfiction I had SO MUCH fun writing it! Amd the clicheness at the end awwwww and yes I did write the lyrics for that song its actually a song I wrote before so I hope you enjoyed it!!! Please don't forget to vote and comment it really means so much to me!!

I was also thinking of doing a short story which would be like, Castiel's journal while he is waiting for Dean in heaven. It would be a short story but if you want it please comment!!!!

Thank you so much all of you for making this an amazing experience I love you so much MWAH!

Angel Wings (SPN) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now